Zion x female reader: bad guys

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Author: ey just cause it says it female reader doesn't mean the Bois out there can't pretend it's for them too you know 😊♥️ support LGBT peeps!

School ended as you jumped to your feet and raced out the door in seconds. You were always the kind of person who hated school and you wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.

You happily walked towards the exit of the school and walked home.

Not realizing....

You were being watched.
It never was new to you that you had this feeling everytime from school to home but at those times you never really cared till now.
You turned your head around to find someone quickly hide behind a fence. And with that...

You ran.

You ran as fast as your legs can carry you....

But it wasn't fast enough.
You found yourself in a dark alley and before you knew it, someone grabbed you by the arm and pinned you to the wall.

"Well, well, well.....who do we have here?~" a guy with blonde hair and red streaks said with a mischievous smile. He had a mask on and a dark hoodie. As he got closer you can feel his hot breath on your neck making you shiver.

"Please." You choked out a sob. ''leave me alone..." The man chuckled as more strangers surrounded both of you.
"As if I'd do tha-"

"You heard her." A fierce tone interrupted making all the men flinch. The blonde let you go as his back turned to you blocking you from the familiar voice.
"L-leader!" The blonde man yelled. As he moved to the side to your shock, you recognized the red head in front of the two of you.

You're crush: Zion

His eyes widened at you as you thought for a moment.
'no.....' you thought in fear. 'he can't be a bad guy.......right?'
Your thoughts were interrupted as a pair of hands grabbed you and wrapped around your body as a way of protecting you.

What your crush said next made your face heat up and he held you close. "Never lay a hand on her again you got that. She's my female and mine only." He said in a fierce tone. You notice all the men in dark clothing nod frantically and they nervously backed away from the two of you. With a glare at the nervous blonde male, he picked you up like a damsel in distress and walked away.

Once you got back home, it was already dark and you never thought night would pass by so quickly. Zion put you down as you looked up at him and offered him to stay. You happened to live alone with your dog (dog name).
Zion shifted his feet and put a hand on his neck avoiding eye contact with you.

When he looked at you in the eye and you could tell he was worried about something.
"Your not-" he asked but cut himself off and shook his head.
"I'm not scared of you if that's what you're asking." You told him. His eyes widened for a moment before his shoulders relaxed. "Your... Not?"
"Of course not why would I be? Because you have ur own cult???"

This made him laugh as you let him in. Once you closed the door he gave you a kiss on the cheek making you blush.
"I wasn't kidding when I said your mine you know~" he said with a mischievous smile as he pinned you to the door making you blush even more.

                                          The End...

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