Chapter 1

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Nedra's Pov
"What the fuck are you suggesting mum"
"Nedra Titania Winston.. you will watch your damn language" my mum replied to me as she glared at me. I couldn't believe what she was saying.First, she moves us from Seattle where we were residing at first to a town I don't care to know the name. And secondly she wants me to go to my new school dressed as a boy. I'm a girl for goodness sake.
"Mum,I can't do this please"
My mom kept glaring at me I knew it was either a curse word. Yep that was my mum Nelly. She was very pretty and also a badass bitch. I still remember the way she beat my teacher for touching me at the wrong places. Don't blame me....I took my mum's curvaceous slim body. I wondered how I could hide all of that behind a boy's dress.
Secondly was my  long blonde curls which reached my waist. I wasn't going to cut that though.
"Baby, one day I'll explain but please do me a favour and act as a boy for me" my mum said.  As far as I was concerned this conversation was over,my mum had the gift of convincing. I groaned.
"Don't worry,we won't cut your hair" she reassured and I smiled.At least my favourite part of my body won't go away. I went upstairs to my room,only to find boxes of my unpacked dresses waiting for me. This is why I hate moving. My mom had probably done something for us to move again.. As I sat there groaning, my mum barged in.
"Honey promise you won't tell anyone okay? Not even Darcy" Darcy was my best friend in Seattle. She was devastated to hear I was leaving her behind and now I won't be able to tell her my new secret. I nodded to assure my mom that I won't and she left.

Hey guys first chapter. Did you like it?? Feel free to comment.💓💓

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