Chapter 8

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Blake's POV
I woke up to see that I was alone in bed. Most likely to tend to the kids. That was what I thought till I noticed it was quiet, deathly quiet. I got up and started leaving the room.

Blake: Sarah?

I called out but got no answer. I open the door and see things are normal till I noticed that the hallway that lead to the extension of our house was gone. I walked over and put my hand on it. The instant I touched it I felt ice cold. I pull my hand back and go to continue down the hall but am met with a cave opening. I stand there confused and when I look back to where I came from I saw a forest behind me. I turned back to the cave and I felt something, off. I approached carefully when I heard sounds of something moving inside. I stop and listen as it sounds faint. I take a step when a crimson tendril shoots out of the cave and pierced through my left shoulder, going through out the back, and began wrapping around me. I grabbed onto it to get it off but it was no use.

I then went to change to Nemesis to break free, but nothing. I didn't feel anything. It was as if I never had been able to be Nemesis. My heart began to race as fear filled me. I then heard the movement from earlier rushing towards me and as it got closer and closer, I struggled to break free. Then I heard a screech and everything went black.

I then woke up in bed as Sarah and the others are there. I was gasping for air, trembling, and covered with sweat. Jackie was holding my hand as was Sarah.

Sarah: Blake it's okay, you had a nightmare. Breathe.

I take some deep breathes and I start to calm down. Once I calmed down, I sat up and they hugged me.

Jane: You freaked us out Blake, when you start to get restless, we tried to wake you up but you wouldn't.

They stopped hugging me and I was shaky.

Sophia: Blake, what happened?

I took another deep breathe before telling them what happened in the dream. When I finished, I trembled a bit remember what happened in the end. Sarah put her hand on my shoulder comforting me.

Lauren: That's some messed up nightmare.

Sarah: Agreed. Most likely it is a side effect of what happened yesterday.

I nod, when we hear some of the little ones crying. Everyone but me and Sarah go to attend them. Once they leave Sarah hugs me.

Sarah: Its okay, it's just a nightmare.

I hug her back, but I had a feeling I had been to wherever that place was. I brushed it off as someplace I went with my family before all of this happened. We stop hugging each other as Sarah gives a reassuring smile. I kiss her on the cheek and go to get up.

Blake: Well, I am going to get something to eat.

But before I get up, Sarah grabs me and pulls me down onto my back and gets on top of me.

Blake: Uhhh, Sarah, what are you doing?

She looks at me with a mischievous grin.

Sarah: Thought we could have some fun since we don't have times like these anymore.

I smile and put my hand on her cheek then quickly flip us where she is on bottom and I am on top. She grins and I kiss her then get up.

Sarah: Wait, Blake!

She says whining. I simply giggle.

Blake: I would love to but not right now. I have to eat, plus there is always tonight.

She nods defeated as I walk to the kitchen. I see that Sal and them have gone to school already and that there is still some left. I quickly eat and sit in the living room. As I sit there, my mind keeps going back to the nightmare. I don't know why but I feel some kind of connection there, as of why, I don't know. I then hear walking and look and see Sophia holding our baby girl. She walks over and sits down. The little girl instinctively hold her arms out to me.

Sophia: Looks like someone wants to see daddy.

I smile and chuckle as I take her and lay her on her stomach on my chest. As I do so, she slowly falls asleep. Sophia watches with a curious look.

Sophia: I have always wondered how you can do that?

I smirk.

Blake: To be honest I don't know. Guess it's just the aura I give off.

Sophia smiles and hugs my arm. She then lets go and can see I am thinking about something.

Sophia: You okay?

Blake: Yeah, just, I try to take my mind off the nightmare but it's strange. I feel like a weird connection with the location in that dream. It's strange but I don't know.

She wraps her arms around me.

Sophia: Well, whatever it is, we will figure it out.

I smile as I watch our little girl sleep soundly.

Blake: Yeah we will.

Sophia: You know, Sarah has been, you could say longing, to...

Blake: Have another baby? Yeah. She tried to do it with me this morning.

Sophia: She wasn't too happy when you said no, wasn't she?

Blake: She wasn't but I told her there was still tonight.

Sophia: That's a good response to that.

I smile as Sophia snuggles up to me and we sit in the living room. Knowing that I will have to tell them about me and the kid's going to help the president. Hopefully, everything goes well, hopefully.

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