Why would you...?

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It was 6:45 in the morning, the time you usually wake up. You heard your phone ringing and telling you to wake up.
[Ugh! Do I have to wake up this early?! I mean like why does school start so early in the morning?!]
You turned it off and started your day as usual. You went out of my room and had breakfast.
[No one is up yet so I guess I'll just have breakfast alone like always.]
You finished breakfast and went back to your room. You then changed into your uniform and did your hair. While you were doing so you remembered something...
[Today is the day. Today I will give him that letter and confess my feelings for him. Though he probably doesn't like me back... but as long as it stays between us and not everyone gets to read that letter everything will be fine, right?]
You stood up as you heard someone knock on your door.
Uraraka: "Are you ready, Y/N? You know we're going to be late if you don't hurry."
[Wait what?! What do you mean late?! I've never been late before!]
"I'm coming! Give me one second"
You opened the door and saw Uraraka waiting for you.
Uraraka: "Good morning!"
You walked to class together. Lost in your thoughts you didn't even notice how fast these 5 minutes flew by and instead of opening the door you walked right into it! You fell backwards and saw her reaching out her hand to help you up.
U: " Y/N, are you ok?!"
"I'm fine. No need to worry about me."
[Damn now my head hurts and why me? There are so many people! Why did I have to walk into that damn door and hit my head?! And the worst part is that I have just embarrassed myself infront of all these people! And some of them are even laughing...]
She helped you up and you smiled at her awkwardly.
"Thank you"
U: "You're welcome. But you know, you're behaviour today is kinda strange."
"Eh? W-what do you mean?"
U: "You're never late but it seemed as if you forgot about school a couple of minutes ago and the whole time while we were walking you've been lost in your head. Is something bothering you? Are you worried?"
"What should be bothering me and what would I be worried about? Just forget what happened just now and let's go inside."
You walked in and everyone was already there except for the teacher. You went to your seat and prepared your books and pencils for the lesson. But then suddenly the letter flew out of your bag. It flipped through the air and landed right infront of Bakugo! He noticed it and so did the others...His name was written on it...and there's no doubt it could be for him...Because indeed it was for him.
You reached out to pick it up but...Bakugo was already holding the letter in his hands and started opening it.
"Wait don't-"
It was too late...he opened it and didn't even seem to care about your attempt to warn him not to... But now came the worst case scenario... HE STARTED READING IT OUT LOUD!

"Could you hold me through the night?
Put your lips all over mine
Salty face when I start crying
Could you be my first time?
Eat me up like apple pie
Make me not wanna die
Love me rough and let me fly
Get me up, yeah, get me high
Tie me down, don't leave my side
Don't be a waste of my time."

You could feel hot tears rolling down your cheeks and your heart seemed to stop beating. Your face went pale. But suddenly your sad, embarrassed, disappointed and mad expression vanishrd and went dull. It was as if you didn't have any emotions left anymore but you felt your heart ache as it was being torn into pieces. Yet tears continued falling... Your legs felt heavy but you just needed to get out of there. You started running while all the attention was drawn to you.
[Why?! Why would you...? I thought I could trust you... So why did you have to be like that?!]
Bakugo: "Wait! Don't go!"
You heard him telling you to stay but it's too late. You've had enough and left the classroom. Now you were running down the hallway.
[There's no way I can look into anyone's eyes again... I'm not going to return... It's all YOUR fault]
As you ran, you could hear someone running after you...
[Is he following me? Hasn't he done enough already?]
Bakugo: " Y/N, wait!"

Bakugo's POV
[What's that? A letter? It has my name written on it. I guess I'll open it then.]
While I opened it I heard Y/N telling me not to.
Y/N: "Wait don't-"
[It has my name written on it so that's not my problem. And I'm going to read it out loud whether you like it or not.]
I stood up and started reading out loud. All eyes were fixed on me, curious of what I was about to read out.
"Could you hold me through the night?" [WTF is that?!]
"Put your lips all over mine" [What the- where did you learn that?! No, just no]
"Salty face when I start crying " [Sure it's salty! What do you even mean?! You never cry!]
"Could you be my first time?" [What are YOU referring to?!]
"Eat me up like apple pie" [NO THANK YOU! What in the world is the meaning of this letter?!]
"Make me not wanna die..." [What do you mean by 'make me not wanna die'? Are you...?]
"Love me rough and let me fly...
Get me up, yeah, get me high
Tie me down, don't leave my side...
Don't be a waste of my time..."
'Make me not wanna die...' As this words echoed in my head I lifted my head to look at her... She was crying...but... her face itself was so... dull... Just seeing her like that made my heart ache. She ran out of the classroom and I tried to stop her...
"Wait! Don't go!"
But she just ignored what I said and started running even faster...

High school sweethearts (Bakugo×reader)Where stories live. Discover now