Chapter 1: My name is Tomomi...

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Ahem, let me start again. My name is Tomomi Nakamura. I used to live in Asahikawa city, a town in northern Japan. I wish I could say I was a regular high-schooler, but... that wouldn't be true. I was less than that. I wasn't smart, I wasn't rich, and oh boy I definitely wasn't pretty. Let me just say that being below average in absolutely every way possible sucks.

But enough about me, right? You wanna know what happened to the other people who were there with me. I'm just the storyteller.

Let's begin in the infirmary, ok? I woke up on a hospital bed in a room that was completely white and clean. There wasn't anything wrong with me... I remembered there was some kind of explosion and then I passed out. But I had no idea who brought be to that room or where I was.

I found my clothes neatly stacked near the bed (It was just a grey jacket and sweatpants. Pretty lame, huh?), so of course I got dressed and headed to the door, but it was locked! I began to panic. Nobody was answering my calls and I didn't find any windows or other ways out (besides the vent, but I'd have to be pretty slim to fit through that). I must have been locked in there for several hours before someone bothered to check on me.

A scary woman walked in holding a tray with food. She placed it right in front of me without saying a word and headed out. Now, if you knew me, you'd know I'm not a very sociable person, but I at least managed to blurt out something like "Wh-Where am I?", but I got ignored as usual. Rude, but I wasn't surprised.

The food was pretty bad, too, it looked like something you'd get from a can

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The food was pretty bad, too, it looked like something you'd get from a can. I forced myself to eat only half of it, even though my stomach was grumbling like crazy. Would someone come to save me? I doubted that. Nobody would notice I was even gone.

But to my surprise, someone eventually came! It was some random guy with a white shirt and a tie. He spoke to me completely casually. "You're still here? We're having a meeting in the main hall."

"What?" I was so confused. "What do you mean? I was locked in here!"

"The door wasn't locked..."

Of course I didn't check the door after the scary lady left! Would you? Moving on...

I followed him out of the room, hoping to get some answers, but there were a bunch of people in the next room who looked just as confused as me. I never really felt good in crowds, so I just stuck to the wall and waited for something to happen.

I didn't have to wait long this time. This room was pretty spacious, almost like a school gym. It even had a stage on one end. There were many other doors leading somewhere besides the infirmary which I just came from. There were also some really loud speakers which started playing a weird tune, and then everyone's attention turned towards the stage, because something was appearing there. Maybe there was a lift or something? Anyway, two other people appeared on the stage together with a speech stand. One of them was the lady from before.

"Hello hello hello!" The guy with his face painted black and white spoke into the microphone so loudly I almost had to cover my ears. "It is so nice to see you all here. Now, let us begin the welcoming ceremony!"

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