Chapter 7: Luck isn't a talent

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After much rolling over in bed and contemplating whether or not the recent events were just a long nightmare, I was brought back to reality by several knocks at my door

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After much rolling over in bed and contemplating whether or not the recent events were just a long nightmare, I was brought back to reality by several knocks at my door. Finally morning! No, that's wrong - I should say 'Morning already?'

I definitely wasn't ready to move outside and look in other people's faces. How could I, a murderer, ever be seen as something else? I could never set foot out of this room again. It would be my prison, the punishment I deserved. But what would I eat? I could ask someone to make me food, but that would be just another inconvenience for them...

As I was sitting on the bed and didn't respond to the knocking, the one behind it soon began calling out my name. "Tomomi, do you hear us? Please say something." It was definitely Akihiro's voice, and Maria's soon joined him. "Are you alright, Tomomi? After yesterday..."

Maybe Akihiro and Maria forgave me... they were my firends after all, or at least I thought of them that way. But maybe that wasn't true either. I remembered how close they looked during the stage play... what if they're actually closer than that? If that was the case, surely they wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice me for the one they liked more if necessary. Thinking like that, I didn't want to see them anymore.

But another unexpected voice soon joined them. "Tomomi, we're worried! If you don't open the door, we'll kick it out!" Was that Jin? Why was she there? I was worried they might actually try to bust in, but I kept listening.

"Wait, how do you want to kick the door? I doubt you're strong enough." asked Maria. Jin explained; "That's why I brought Ikiru!" "Wait, I can't take the door down by myself!" Ikiru was there too?! And so were Fubuki and Fubuko, because I heard them speak next.

"You'll need some pile-driver to really ram through the door." concluded one of the two (I couldn't tell by their voice) and the other one added: "But hurry, we don't have time! If Tomomi hurt herself, it could be too late!"

I heard the talks about ramming through my door, so I just couldn't stay silent. I mustered all my courage and opened the door while keeping from looking directly in everyone's faces. "Wait, don't break my door, I'm-"

Before I could finish the sentence, Maria flew right at me and surprised me with a hug

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Before I could finish the sentence, Maria flew right at me and surprised me with a hug. "You're safe, Tomomi! We were all worried..." The others also encouraged me. "Don't worry about what happened," Ikiru smiled faintly, "It was either you or Sakari. I would have done the same."

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