Chapter 13: The hotel

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Amy and Sheldon had just checked into their hotel room and were sorting themselves out. Sheldon was taking his clothes out of his suitcase and re folding them before putting them into the drawer. Amy however was freshening up in the bathroom.
She came out and smiled as she saw Sheldon making sure everything was perfectly folded and placed in exactly the right spot. She loved his little quirks that most other people found frustrating.
She went over to her suitcase to find all her clothes gone.
"I put your clothes in the drawer for you" Sheldon informs her as he looks over to see her by her suitcase.
"Aw thank you Sheldon" she walks over to him and kisses his cheek. They are then interrupted by the sound of Amy's phone, someone was calling her. So she walked over and answered.
Their is a pause as the person calling her speaks.
"Oh hi Missy. Is everything alright?" Amy listens to what Missy has to say and wholeheartedly responds,
"Of course we can. We'll be over at half  9 tomorrow then" Missy thanks Amy who is quick to reply saying,
"It's no problem! See you then".
After that she hangs up the phone.
"What did Missy want?" Sheldon asks looking up from the clothes he was folding.
"Oh she asked if we could look after Ben and Abi tomorrow" it doesn't take long for Sheldon to comment.
"Why did you say yes?! We have a schedule that we need to follow and babysitting is not on that!"
"Her and Samuel got the chance to view a wedding venue. Your mother is busy at the church, George has a shop to run and your meemaw has prior engagements. Besides they're your niece and nephew and you should be happy to spend time with them" Amy always knew how to make Sheldon come around.
"Fine!" He reluctantly agreed and got back to folding clothes.
Sheldon continues sorting things out as Amy sits on the bed reading an article on her laptop. She wanted to get food but knew it would be best to wait for Sheldon to finish rather than interrupt him while he was organising, that wouldn't end well. Luckily she had found an interesting article about how our brains help us to prioritize different tasks.
Amy found this article quite intriguing and as she read lost track of everything that was going on around her. By the time she finished reading she looked up to see Sheldon sat next to her on the bed flicking through the different channels on the TV. He noticed that Amy's gaze has shifted as she was no longer immersed in what she was reading.
"Did you read anything interesting?" He questions still looking for something to watch.
"Very much so. It was an article that talked about the role of the optical cortex in piloting our attention in order to manage the intake of images. Some neuroscientists were able to discover a casual link between the optical cortex and the effect of covert attention on one's vision by briefly disrupting cortical excitability of the optical cortex with TMS" as soon as she finished talking she realised that Sheldon probably had no interest in hearing that much and she should have answered a simple yes instead.
"That actually sounds quite interesting" he says switching the TV off and turning to look at Amy.
For a short while they discuss what she had read, both being intrigued by the development of the study. But then Sheldon stops the conversation looking down at his watch,
"It's already 6.23 we should probably get some dinner soon".
"I agree, I'm beginning to feel quite hungry. Where should we eat?"
"I'm not actually sure. We could see if the pizza place across the street is open?" He quickly suggests.
"Are you sure? Pizza night is Thursday night" Amy asks Sheldon as she gets up and puts her laptop away in her bag.
"Yes, as long as you're alright with having pizza" he walks over to the other side of the room and puts on his jacket.
"Sure, let's go"

- - - At the restaurant - - -
"Sheldon, I'm sorry for agreeing to look after Ben and Abi tomorrow. I really should have checked with you first" Amy says looking up from her food.
"There's no need to apologise. It was kind of you to say yes and we are their aunt and uncle after all. I guess that's kind of our responsibility now" he says in a calm voice.
"Yeah I guess. Besides you were really good with Ben earlier, it was nice to see you bonding with him" she smiled at the memory of what she had viewed earlier that day, she'd never really seen that side of Sheldon before. It just made her fall in love with him even more.
"I suppose so. I guess it's one of the many things I must naturally excel at. But I can't say I felt like I was that good, he started jumping on my old bed!" Sheldon got a little annoyed at the thought of that, it certainly was one of the things that he wouldn't allow.
"Yes but you dealt with the situation" Amy interjects.
"Well I dealt with him in the same way I used to deal with Leonard when he was being a pain. Which was quite often" he responded with his typical level of slight impudence.

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