chapter 2: Halo night

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The boys arrive at Leonard's apartment to see Penny sprawled across the sofa, wrapped in a pink blanket with a box of chocolates in her hand.
"Hey honey, how are you?" Leonard says while walking over to her.
"What do you think?!" He strokes her hair and smiles at her, "Do you want us to postpone halo night?".
"Oh no it's fine, I'll go across the hall and have a girls night with Amy" she smiles back.
"Ok, just remember no drinking!" Leonard laughs as Penny glares at him.
"Do you see me as some idiot! Of course I won't drink, I am pregnant"
Leonard mumbles an apology and Penny gets up to leave.
"Shut up sheldon" she yells before pausing, "oh wait, you didn't comment... I'm sorry". She looks at Leonard with a confused face and then walks out of the door across the hall.
"So halo!" Raj exclaims. Howard goes over to the fridge to get a drink for them all while Leonard gets everything ready.
Sheldon remains by the door not saying a word.
"Everyone ready to play?... Sheldon?"
Shaking his head as he escapes his world of thought.
"I'm sorry, I can't" he walks out of the door, leaving the guys perplexed.
"Well that was weird, like even weird for sheldon" Howard says seemingly confused.
"We should've known something was wrong when he didn't turn up for lunch" Leonard approaches the door.
"Wait, maybe we should let him figure this out on his own". Raj suggests.
- - - In the hall - - -
Unsure on what to do, Sheldon stands outside the door of apartment 4B. Eventually he decides to knock.
*knock knock knock* Amy and Penny
*knock knock knock* Amy and Penny
*knock knock knock* Amy and Penny
"Come in Sheldon!" Comes from the apartment.
Sheldon walks in and notices Bernadette is also there.
"Oh I'm sorry Bernadette, I didn't realise you were here"
"It's ok Sheldon, aren't you and the guys playing halo" Bernadette questions.
"I ummm... don't feel like it. In fact I'm going to turn in for the night"
Sheldon quickly walks into his and Amy's bedroom.
"He never misses halo night!" Penny suddenly shouts out.
"I think I'll go and check on him" Amy says as she gets up off the sofa and goes to the bedroom door.
- - - Amy and Sheldon's bedroom - - -
"Hey, how was your day?" Amy asks as she looks over to sheldon who looks as if he might cry.
"I-It was good, thanks. How was yours"
"It would be better if you told be what's on your mind" she says as she sits on the bed next to him.
"Did you ever think about what things would be like after we won the nobel?" He asks looking at her.
"Well not really, but it's not like it changes too much"
"But it does! My whole life has been dedicated to securing my Nobel win and now that's happened... I just. I don't have a focus any more".
He looks down again and Amy sighs.
"Sheldon, you can find a new focus. Just remember we won the Nobel prize! Don't forget how amazing that is while you look for something new to do" she puts her hand on his and caresses his cheek with her other hand.
For a moment there's silence before Sheldon interrupts, "Can we have a baby?"

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