There were already countless young lady around Noah trying to get his attention. Amidst those enchanting flowers, Noah acted politely and respectfully, but showed no room for anyone.

Noah was an incredibly clean man in this aristorcratic world,where no one or two lovers were innocent.  There was even a rumor that there was a problem with his lower body or that women could not deal with it.

'I think it's going to be hard!

With a sigh, she was looking at Noah and thinking of the last number. This was a society where status affected most of life. So belonging to a higher position and family than French Brooks, a man who can stop Brooks's power. And... ...

'The man with a card I could trade with.'

Raeliana was trying to ask Noah for a deal. Noah is a not a man who can be move with money or beauty.  However, in this situation, which seems to have fallen into a blind spot in all directions, there is an advantage that only one who was outside the novel can lose.

That was the only hand Realiana could offer

The question was whether she could stand up to being equal in her dealings with him. He is an old aristocrat to the core. If it was easy to see, it was highly likely that I would be swayed naively and only my cards would be taken away.

Raeliana kept her eyes on him for a moment, she were watching every move of him.

'But you still have to try.'

The main battle.

Raeliana quietly cut the timing.  No one should listen to what she is telling him now.  After watching for a long time, she silently followed Noah as she went to the garden asking for the deal.

*     *     *

"Who is this? Brooks. French- Brooks!"

French Brooks, who was greeting a Count, turned to the man calling him with a distinct accent.

The exotic man with tears laughed and tapped on his shoulder.  French groaned his name


"Long time no see, Brooks."

"I heard that the inspection will take time because of the smuggler."

"That's what it is, isn't it necessary that I don't have to be there? Criminals to the death penalty! It's easy."

Langston whispered with his arm around French shoulder.

"Don't you?"

French, who cursed inaudible language, asked the Earl to excuse him and dragged Langston to the corner. Langston was gently dragged and picked up a glass of champagne from a tray of servants.

"Where is the cute fiancee that you left alone?"

"It's none of your business."

"Don't be sad about this. We're on the same boat. It's natural to worry."

"It's going well. So."

The reason why Raeliana has to go to the DukeWhere stories live. Discover now