Chapter 1

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Raeliana McMillan wants to live.

"Oh, come on. Raelli, Lord Brooks is expected to arrive tomorrow at six."


Raeliana, who was drinking tea and some dessert, spewed out tea water.

"Why, why?"

"Why, there's a royal ball tomorrow." French Brooks. He's Raeliana's fiancée.

The McMillon loved his dependable shoulders and the prestigious family of Brooks. Realina hated the line of his eyes, which were not like his age.

It's because he smile with his eyes as if he's singing a sonata of low seduction all day. Recalling his greasy smile, Raeliana clenched her glass so hard that it broke.

That fucking guy. He was the culprit of everything.

Cause of her short life. Raeliana McMillan's preliminary killer!

"I'll go up."

Realiana put down her glass powerlessly and move her feet.

"Are you sick, are you all right?"

"I heard a nasty word from Realli,"she said, "But I didn't care."

Mr. and Mrs. McMillan seemed to mistake her for being nervous about the upcoming wedding.

'Nervous would be nervous. You'll die before the ink on your marriage contract dries up.'

For a month, Raeliana wasn't just wetting her pillow with tears in her face. Once you've written down a novel that you don't remember very well in your notes, you've got to figure out the relationship and the plot, and then you've got exactly what it's like.

Began to think whether or not Raeliana would die.

Raeliana's death was arsenic poisoning. It was because of the poison that French Brooks mixed in her tea every night before the ink even dried up on the marriage contract.

French Brook, who had been trusted by McMillan
family, coaxed his grieving family into sending him on a trip, and set up a scheme to completely eat the company.

And in the novel, it was the female lead who revealed it. The heroine, a friend of Raeliana McMillan's, begins to discover the truth about her death after returning home after hearing of her death.

But if that's the case, Raeliana, had to break her engagement first.

But that was a big problem. All Raeliana's family loved Raeliana, but they said, 'I just feel that way, and suddenly I hate her.I couldn't stop being engaged as if I were canceling a reservation at a restaurant.'

In the case of nobility, the engagement cannot be unilaterally broken from one side as long as it is an agreement between the families. Especially in the case of McMillan. No matter how much he lost his past glory, the Brooks family was a prestigious family of returnees. There were so many high-ranking aristocrats that it was unclear what kind of retaliation they would make.

But like a fortune-teller, she said, "That's him! He's going to kill me!'' I couldn't even scream. This is because there was a mental illness and a mental hospital in this world where magic was more advanced than science and technology.

Because it's normal if you shoot fire from your hands, but I saw in the novel that my fiancé would kill me.

Knowing what future hold can make you sick. It was a sad reality.

The reason why Raeliana has to go to the DukeWhere stories live. Discover now