Chapter 2 - The Meeting

Start from the beginning

Chewie had snapped out of his trance, looked down at Han and let out a soft " roar"

Han giggled " Yes Uncle Chewie, i've been practicing with Crystal non stop"

" Hello Uncle Chewie, It's good to see you!" said Monte, joining their hug.

Han slowly let go, looked up, smiled, and said " well i'm going to go sit in my seat."

"I'll join you." Monte replied. And the twins walked back into the falcon.

Rey soon made it up the ramp of the falcon " Hello old friend," she said in a soft voice and continued to give Chewbacca a hug.

He let out a soft " growl"

" Oh my stars, I am not getting old!" Rey pulled away " now if you were to take that nonsense to my daughter she would believe it! And you'd be the one to clean up that mess." she laughed and continued to walk into the falcon with R2 and C-3PO behind her.

" Now if it isn't my favorite Wookie, Hello Chewbacca good to see you" C-3PO chirped.

As everyone slowly made it on board and got settled in, the falcon took off. It was only going to be a short right because they were going across the planet to the city of Naboo, named after the planet.  The meeting would take place in the courthouse next to the resistance military training base to discuss tomorrow night's commander ball. Han was excited she loved to dress up. She loved flirting with all the new  young trainees and officers too. Han sat in her most favorite seat, it was the seat right behind the co pilot chair. She called it her seat. Han loved it so much because she saw all the controls, she loved watching people fly the falcon personally. Han was terrible at flying so she did the second best thing and watched.

Han was looking out the window until Rey interrupted her focus " Hey you two" Rey said turning around " Someone very special is gonna be here to meet  you, her name is Ahsoka Tano. She knew your Grandfather Anakin. Shes also one of the few jedi to survive order 66 DO NOT SAY ANYTHING STUPID TO OFFEND HER! She came out of hiding to meet you two."

Han and Monte looked at eachother with wide eyes "ok mom" Monte said softly with a smile of excitement.

" Definitely no pressure Mom." Han said with a smirk on her face.

Rey gave both the twins a final look but locked eyes with Han for a few more seconds then Monte and gave her daughter a soft smile. Han returned the smile with one of her own as the Falcon came to a stop. Everyone got out of their seats and made their way out of the Falcon out onto the launch pad. As they were walking towards the courthouse Han heard something rolling closer and closer to them in the distance and within seconds BB-8 was in front of them rolling around them in circles.

Han gasped " BB-8!" Han said happily crouching down closer to him " It's been almost 3 months,oh how i've missed you so. Wait OH MY STARS how'd you get this big scratch on your side? Wait if you're here that means.." she paused immediately and stood up straight looking around.

" DAD!" Han and Monte said in unison running over to Poe giving him the biggest hug they ever given.

" I'm gone for 3 months and suddenly I can barely recognize you two," Poe said, taking in the great energy of their group hug.

Han pulled away making eye contact with Poe with a scowl on her face " WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DROID?"

"YOUR droid?  I've had that droid for 30 years" he shot back laughing.

" Well," Han said, crossing her arms " he became mine the day i was born."

" Oh yeah that's the attitude I missed" Poe said, hugging Han one last time. " And how's your Jedi training going son?"

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