As Christopher Michael had his right ear pressed to Ambrose's chest the ill-fitting door into the dwelling was pushed open, and a tall, willowy young woman entered. Though her face was pale and drawn her fine features lent her a delicate beauty. Brown tendrils of hair that had escaped her simple chignon framed her face. 

"Young Dr. Enys," her eyebrows shot up in surprise, quickly knitting in concern, " Are things being alright?"

"Everything's fine, Ann," Her father assured her.

"Just looking in," Christopher Michael agreed, concluding his examination and standing. "Have you been by Wheal Julia? Did you happen to see Jeremy Poldark?"

Ann's eyes flicked down to the dirt floor as she answered, "No, I was being near the boats to trade for fish."

"Well then ye musta seen him!" James cried, "For not ten minutes 'fore I was finding the Doctor I was seeing young Master Poldark headed that away."

"Perhaps he was only passing," Ann replied, "For I saw him not." 

"Is there something the matter with him," James asked Christopher Michael bluntly. All eyes in the cramped room turned to him. 

"Oh, er, no. No. I only meant to inform him that apparently there is a gentleman in Truro inquiring after him. If any of you see him before I, please do inform him." Ann's eyes flicked up for a moment, making unwanted contact with Christopher Michael's. She quickly looked away. 

"I feel as though I've been trying to track him down all day," Christopher continued, "But it's no wonder he's busy, given the circumstances."

Once again, all eyes in the quiet room turned to him. 

"Circumstances?" Ann asked, "What circumstances."

"Hadn't you heard? He's newly engaged to marry Miss Katharine Killigrew."

"It's about time," James exclaimed, "He be gettin' mighty old, iffin ye ask me."

Ann staggered as though dealt a sharp blow. "What happy news," she whispered, smiling. But Christopher Michael knew that smile. It was the one people put on when they didn't want others to see how much pain they were in. 

"Indeed, it is," he cleared his throat, "I'll confer with my father on your symptoms and have word back soon, Goodman Finch. Good day," Christopher Michael nodded his goodbyes and, between wondering if he would be able to coax his horse into taking him home, resented Jeremy Poldark for the recklessness in which he approached life and the pain it resulted in for others around him. 


Jeremy Poldark was not looking forward to the inevitable rendezvous with his mysterious visitor. 

"So who is it?" Clowance asked impudently the moment the door closed behind Christopher Michael. 

"With any luck, a slave trader come to sell you off to the East Indies."

"Oh but we both know this family hasn't much luck," Clowance laughed, "So who might we expect?"

Jeremy himself wasn't sure. Unfortunately, the only possibilities were dismal. An uneasy feeling churned in his gut as he ran one hand through his sandy-coloured hair. 

Clowance rolled her eyes, stood, and announced, "If you shan't tell me I'll ask Christopher Michael." 

She was gone in a swish of skirts. Jeremy didn't care. Christopher Michael would tell Clowance anything, that was certain, but Jeremy doubted he knew any more than she. Even if he had heard a name, he'd no way of knowing their purpose. And of course there could only be one purpose. 

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