Author's Note

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First and foremost, this story contains spoilers for all seasons of the BBC programme Poldark. If you haven't watched them all and intend to, I suggest you refrain from reading this work until after.

Secondly, this story is based upon the aforementioned television adaptation of Winston Graham's novel series, not the original novels themselves.  So please don't hate me for any discrepancies between this story and the original novels. 

Speaking of discrepancies, I do take some (and by "some" I mean ample) creative liberties in bending events as they transpired in the tv series to better suit my story line. For example, I entirely fabricate Dwight and Caroline Enys having another child- a son, Christopher Michael- and mess with the timeline, having him born circa 1795.  I'm sorry if that upsets you, and if it does you have three options: first- simply get over it, second- send me a message/leave me comments challenging the things I've written and trying to convince me to revise them as you see fit (I appreciate the feedback and very well may implement it),  or, third- just don't read this story and make me very, very sad. I personally recommend option two. 

This is the first honest-to-goodness fanfiction I've ever written, but, well, I just love Poldark that much. You guys. I love Poldark. So much. I literally just watched the entire five seasons in ten days (yes, I have no life). Anyway! If you think my portrayal of characters/historical events and whatnot is inaccurate, please don't just roll your eyes and stop reading-- tell me so!! I would very much like to know and alter things accordingly. My deepest wish is for this tale to feel like a legitimate continuation of the Poldark family story. 

A thought on pronunciations: 

When you see the terms "Mama" and "Papa" used in this story, do not pronounce them "mah-mah" and "pah-pah".  Pronounce them instead (with a British accent) as "muh-mah" and "puh-pah".  This is honestly just a weird pet peeve I have, but please. Humour me. 

Last thought; I originally wanted to call this story Poldark: This Family Just Can't Catch a Break, but ultimately decided against it and opted for something a little more serious. Sad day. But feel free to refer to it as this in your head or friendly conversation ;) 

Please enjoy. And also debate me about things you don't like. And hopefully enjoy that, as well. 

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