Alejandro: Don't be like that.

Heather: I said shut it!

Chris: Alright, now it's time for your first challenge.

Mike: Already?

Chris: Yep, now everyone meet me in the woods in twenty minutes.

With that he got on an ATV and drove off as we all followed him. After a few minutes I felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around to see Mike.

Mike: Hey man, I'm Mike.

Y/n: It's nice to meet you Mike, I'm Y/n.

We shook hands before as he introduced me to Zoey and we started talking about previous seasons. Then all of a sudden Sierra let out a large ear shattering squeal.

Sierra: OMG! Y/n, you're the talk of my blog right now. People are really excited to see a new face on the show.

Y/n: Well I'm glad to be here.


Y/n: Alright, first confessional, I just want to say that it's great to be here on the show. I know that I may be new to this but I know I can win if I try my best and hope I don't get voted off first.
Dawn: I don't know what it is about Y/n, but his aura is interesting. I'm sure the two of us will be great friends, but it feels like something great will come from meeting him.

Confessional ends

After a few more minutes of walking we all made it to a starting line. I knew it had to be a race and that there was going to be traps. And I was ready to face whatever Chris had in store.

Chris: Alright, for your first challenge all you have to do is race to the end.

Courtney: That seems easy enough.

Chris: But wait there's more, you'll have to get past some crazy obstacles to get to the finish.

Duncan: You were saying?

Everyone, except for me, was glaring at Courtney for the stupid comment she just made. I knew she would have problems getting peoples trust after what happened in season five so I decided to step in.

Y/n: Alright guys that's enough. Let's just get through the challenge as a team, alright?

Duncan: Whatever.

Chris: On your mark, get set, GO!

With that we all started running through the woods and past all of the traps Chris mentioned. Lightning was the only one on out team that made it through the obstacles. And when I got to some plank over a gorge I was confused. Then Mike, Zoey, and Dawn arrived too but I stopped them.

Zoey: What's wrong Y/n?

Y/n: Its to easy.

Mike: What do you mean?

Y/n: The planks look to sturdy and there aren't any sharks in the water. I bet that the planks are completely covered in grease.

With that Mike walks over to the board and takes some substance off of it before licking in and coughing it up.

Mike: Yeah, definitely grease.

Dawn: So how do we get across?

That's when I notice a couple vines hanging from a branch going right over the gorge.

Y/n: Over there.

Dawn: Good idea.

Zoey: Yeah, we can use these to swing across the gorge.

With that Zoey and Mike grabbed one of the vines and swung across with ease and waited for us to do the same thing. Meanwhile, Dawn and I both reached for the other vine but pulled back when we saw the other do so.

Dawn: Oh, sorry.

Y/n: Uh, n-no after you.

Dawn: No, I insist.

After a couple seconds of awkward silence I got an idea. I picked up Dawn and put her in my back, which surprised her, and grabbed the vine.

Y/n: Hold on tight!

With that I swung across while cheering and made it to the other side. Once I put Dawn down I noticed her face was a little red. I was thinking she was about to get sick after what I did.

Y/n: Are you ok?

Dawn: Y-yeah I'm fine.

We both stood in silence for a moment not knowing what to say next. Then I noticed that Mike and Zoey were both grinning at the two of us.

Y/n: We should... probably catch up to the others.

Dawn: Y-yeah, let's go.

With that we started making our way to the final line. Little did we know that Alejandro was watching us.


Alejandro: Interesting, this new contestant is good at using his surroundings. I need to form an alliance with him before anyone else gets the chamce.
Dawn: That was a good idea Y/n had, using the vines. I don't know what it is but I feel like there's sort ofconnection between us.
Y/n: Do I like Dawn? Sure as a friend, but I don't think that she'd go for a guy like me.

Confessional ends

After a few minutes we saw that Lightning and Sky were both close to the finish. It looked like Lightning was about to win before he stopped to look in a puddle.

Lightning: Hold up, who's this handsome devil?

Then, for no reason, he started to admire his own reflection.

Lightning: Sha-dang! I look good!

Unfortunately, while Lightning was distracted Sky took the lead and won the challenge.

Chris: And the winners, the Superior Seagulls.

Lightning: SHA-WHAT?!

Chris: So tigers, I'll see your sorry butts at the campfire tonight.

We all just started to glared at Lightning and we all knew who we were going to vote for.

Lightning: What?

Elimination ceremony

We were all at the bonfire and were still sore about losing today's challenge.

Chris: Alright, you all cast your votes and made your decisions. If I hand you a marshmallow your safe and the one who doesn't, it means your done. So the first marshmallows go to Y/n, Dawn, Mike, and Zoey.

With that we all got our marshmallows and sat down again.

Chris: Next up is Cody, Sierra, Courtney, and Duncan.

They got their marshmallows and it was now down to only Cameron and Lighting.

Chris: Cameron, you're on the chopping block for your lack of strength and physical abilities. And Lighting, your on the chopping block for costing your team the challenge by admiring your own reflection.

Lightning: Hey, can ya blame me?

Everyone else: YES!

Chris: And the final marshmallow of the night goes to....... Cameron.

Lightning: SHA-WHAT?!

Chris: And this season's mode of elimination is something we like to call the "slingshot of shame".

With that chef placed Lightning into the slingshot as he was struggling.

Lightning: Your all gonna regret voting off your best player. You're all total...

Before he could finish Chris pressed a button and it sent Lightning screaming off into the distance.

Chris: That's one camper down and nineteen to go. Who will be the next one voted off? How will Y/n survive? And who will get a my late night coffee? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Tropical island!

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