The Others

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"You sure Munakata isn't your dad or somethin'?" Mondo sat on Byakuya's desk, listening to the lecture from Future Foundation's Vice-Chairman, Kyosuke Munakata. Well, listening was being generous. More like.... Blocking out Munakata's speech.

"No.. He's not." Byakuya mumbled under his breath.

"Could've fooled me."

"My dad is... Much worse.." Byakuya whispered, trying not to alarm anyone. Everyone was practically asleep anyway, as Munakata was boring everyone to death. Including Byakuya.

"Please, he practically spoils you." Mondo scoffed, a grin lining his face.

"We'll talk about this later." You could hear the agitation in his voice as he spoke, still trying to focus on Munakata's words. That was quite difficult, however, with the annoying voice pestering him.

"Any objections?" Munakata asked, finishing up his lecture. The room was silent, as no one objected. Aside from one person...

"Object object object object." Mondo chanted, annoying Byakuya even further.

"You didn't even hear what he said..." Byakuya mumbled, quietly sighing to himself.

"Byakuya, did you say something?" Munakata spoke, catching Byakuya off guard. He looked up, quick to respond.

"Hm? No, sir."

"Good. Then that finished up today's meeting. You're all dismissed." You could tell everyone was glad to hear that, as they all filed out. Some chatted along the way, as others just stumbled out silently.


Byakuya just sighed in response to Mondo's remark, paying him no mind. If you ignored the biker long enough, he'd usually get bored and distract himself with something else.

Mondo turned in Chihiro's direction, "Whatcha doin' Chi?" Aaanddd there he goes. What did I just say?

"Oh! Uhm... N-Nothing really. There's not much for me to do..." Chihiro looked down shyly, intertwining his fingers.

"Y'know, the others should come around here more." Mondo stuck his hands in the pockets of his pants, walking alongside Chihiro.

"To talk to us? No thank you, two is more than enough." Byakuya finally spoke, now that the hall had mostly cleared out. He looked around, just to make sure no one was there.

"Ey! I wasn't talkin to you!"

"I think he should have a say...-" Chihiro chimed in, only to be interrupted by Mondo.

"Well, I don't!"

"Are you guys fighting again?!?" Byakuya heard a voice, different from the two he usually deals with. Did someone hear him...? Who did they think he was talking to...? He hesitantly turned around, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

"Hey Taka! Just talkin 'bout ya!" Mondo exclaimed, also having turned around. He gave the other a wave, a giant grin lining his face.

'Oh.. It's just Ishimaru again.' Byakuya relaxed, happy to have a distraction for Mondo and Chihiro. The two were bound to Byakuya, but Taka isn't bound to anyone, giving him the ability to go wherever he wanted. Byakuya didn't know too much about it though, considering he was alive and not a ghost. And if he was being honest, he didn't care.

"Hello, Mondo! I came to ask about your opinion on Future Foundation's plan!" Kiyotaka exclaimed, in his usual fashion. If anyone were to be listening to that meeting, it would definitely be him.

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