"I am just fine Mother" I sigh.

"You nearly drowned, you were arrested because some NUT job claims you let his merfolk go. And you say you are just fine? Baby, Mom is here now. You do not have to be brave now" Mom says being a little overly dramatic. She clings to me. I pull away.

"Really, Mom, I am fine" I protest.

"She is fine Robbie see? Can we go shopping now? I might be able to find my wedding dress while I am down here" points out Vanessa. I groan.

"Is that your sister?" questions Charlotte as she points to Vanessa.

"No, sweetie. I am going to be her step Mother" brags Vanessa.

"Are you kidding me? You are kidding right?" laughs Charlotte. Vanessa frowns at her.

"No I am not kidding. Robbie let's go shopping" grumbles Vanessa.

"Not yet" my Dad sighs.

"No wonder the girl does not want to go home around ya'll. I would not either" laughs Grandma.

"Well, after what you allowed tonight I think it is HIGH time that Sydney thinks about coming on home. She has been messed up with loons around here. I mean really! They thought she was setting merfolk free. This has to be something you set up Mom. You really need to grow up. It is not good for my daughter to be down here. She needs to come home where she belongs. With us" Mom demands to me.

She glares at my Grandma.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"It is not up to me to make her go home. If she wants to go home she is free to go home. If she wants to stay here with me she is free to stay here with me" Grandma replies to my Mother.

"I am a grown adult Mother. You cannot make me go home" I point out.

"Well this is not right. It is not good for you to stay here" grumbles Mom.

"Why not?" Charlotte asks.

"Because, my Mother is filling Sydney's head with silly stories that just are not true, just as she once tried to do to me. Fairy tales are not real. Life is real" Mother says bitterly.

It hits me. Why Mother and Grandma never clicked. Mother felt her life had let her down. She was trying her best to get back up in life. Her marriage had failed.

Her fairy tale ended. Mother did not have any dreams to hang on to any more. She blamed Grandma for making her believe in them. I did not want to end up bitter and alone like Mother.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Who is to say those stories are not true? Just because they have not happened for you yet does not mean they never will" Charlotte points out softly to my Mother. Mother looks surprised by all of this.

"I am heading home. And Sydney when you come to your senses then come see me. You are always welcome to come back home with me" snaps Mother ignoring Charlotte. She storms off.

"Do not be mad at your Mother. She means well. She is just hurting" my Dad tells me. I nod.

"Robbie can we go now?" grumbles Vanessa.

"Yes sure. Hey Sydney. I am for whatever you want. If you come home our door is always open to you. If not good luck here in whatever you want to do" Dad tells me before he hugs me. Then he heads out with Vanessa.

"You ladies are all free to go. All charges are dropped. But you were fired" the officer warns Charlotte and I.

"Figures!" Charlotte grumbles.

"Just as well. I do not work any place near where he does" I tell the officer and Charlotte. Charlotte nods.

"Guess we need to go to the unemployment office later on" jokes Charlotte.

I giggle. We head on out. I felt free to be out of there. I spent the night in the slammer! It was worth it to save Finn and Crystal.

I would have done it all over again in a heartbeat. Grandma takes Charlotte on home. Then we head home for the night.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Think Mom left for home?" I ask Grandma as we head home.

"Think so. She is sore at me" sighs Grandma.

"I did not mean for a fight to become between you two" I worry.

"We have had issues for years Sugar. We are not alike. She is more like your Grandpa every day. Very level headed. Does not believe it unless she sees it. Much like you used to be might I add" Grandma points out. She smiles at me.

"I have changed a lot this summer" I remind Grandma.

"You sure have. I am so proud of you. If you choose to stay or go home I will be behind you 100 percent" Grandma tells me sternly.

I was not sure if I could stay. I was sure happy here. But now I could not see Finn any more. It was too dangerous for us to be seen together. My heart ached knowing it was better if I did stay away.

"Not sure what I am going to do just yet here" I tell Grandma.

"I understand" she tells me.

We soon get to her place. I head out for a walk on the beach. I was not looking for Finn. A part of me was hoping I might see him.

I knew it was better if I did not see him. Suddenly I spot an older male merman. I knew just whom he was too. Hortez. Finn's Father. He was watching me there in the waves.

"Sydney?" he asks me. I nod.

"I am she" I reply.

"I would just like to thank you for saving Crystal and my son" he explains.

"Thank you, I would do it again if I had to" I tell him. He nods.

"You care a lot about my son don't you?" he asks me.

"Yes I do. I would never put his life in any danger. Or your people. I was thinking of heading back home. Will you tell....will you tell Finn good-bye for me? That I will never forget him? I do not think he should try to see me. I would not want Jordan to capture him if he tried to see me" I worry.

"I will give him your message. He has been told not to come up to the surface as well. I just came to tell you thank you for saving my son's life" Hortez replies. I nod.

"You are welcome sir" I say softly. He heads back into the ocean. I sigh as I sit down on the sand. I try not to let the tears fall as I debate if I should head back home. Or if I should stay there.


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