Chapter 12

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'"Hell hath no fury and heaven hath no paradise like a womans dreams."

-Noah Centineo. 8.13.2020

Katy gasps in shock as she reads the messages on Alex's phone. "We were right....It was her. It was always HER."

I take the phone from her hands and scan the text on the screen. It's correspondence between Alex and this dude from The Hollywood News. She sent him pictures of Noah's diary! I scroll through and see her feeding stories and lies to the reporter about Noah and I. I clench my fists in anger as I read. She betrayed Noah just to sabotage our relationship and keep him for herself. I never would have guessed when I first met her that this bubbly blonde girl would be my nemesis.

Katy looks at me. "You can't let her get away with this." she's right. Noah needs to know the truth. He deserves better.

I close the phone with a snap and confidently head downstairs to the crowd. I lock my eyes on Noah, who is in the back of the room with Alex by his side. I begin to make my way through the crowd to confront them when suddenly music fills the room. The crowd quiets down and pauses as everyone recognizes the waltz. It's time to dance, and I lose track of Noah as couples step into place in the middle of the ball. I hear Jake's voice from behind me telling me we need to go to the end of the line. I want to ignore him and run to Noah, and tear him out of Alex's clutches. But Jake takes my hand and pulls me away.

I can't get to him now, everyone is watching. I try to focus on the music and not embarrass myself in front of everyone. I raise my hand to meet Jakes but keep my eyes trained behind him. I still remember the words I overheard him say about me to Noah. Jake had always been the nicest guy around me. I start to wonder what he would say or think about me when I wasn't around. I really know how to pick em huh?

"Are you okay?" he asks in a concerned voice.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about all the dumb poetry I wrote earlier today." I snap. I am not the kind of person who yells at people, but something in me snapped. I am just so tired of being let down by people I thought I could trust.

Jake's eyes widen in shock but before he could respond, the music started and we begin dancing. I move monotonously from partner to partner performing the dance steps like a robot. I just need to get through this dance so I can talk to Noah. But just my luck, Noah is my last dance partner.

I count the number of partners I have before I finally dance with Noah.

Okay just 3 more....

I can see him just out of the corner of my eye.

Okay. I take a deep breath and twirl. When I am facing forward, I find myself in his arms.

"Noah you have to listen to me. You need to get away from Alex!." I whisper as we dance together.

"Are you really doing this right now?" he asks incredulously.

"Noah, we don't have a lot of time. She's selling your secrets to the press!"

"Yeah where have I heard that before." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah well I have proof. Come find me after the dance."

"Proof of what exactly?!" I feel a pair of hands shove me and I stumble backwards.

Jake catches me but I quickly push him away, which causes him to stumble into the couple on his left. Suddenly, there's a domino effect of couples stumbling and falling over each other. Mass chaos ensues.

Summer Love (An Emotional Small Town Romance) ~NOAH CENTINEO~Where stories live. Discover now