Chapter 3

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"Don't fall 4 me

I'm a wild thing"

-Noah Centineo, 8.23.17

The next day.....


I jolt awake at the sound of my aunt's ringing voice calling my name. I rub my eyes and look at the clock beside me.

What?! How is it 12 pm already....

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and felt my stomach sink as I saw my ratty hair and puffy eyes reflected back at me. As I reached for a brush to fix my appearance, my stomach grumbled in protest. Ugh forget it I thought.

I slipped into my fluffy bunny slippers and stumbled down the stairs sleepily, in search of waffles.

I headed towards the kitchen when the deep timbre of a masculine voice reached my ears. No, it couldn't be...

I thought about turning around and scrambling back up the stairs, but it was too late. I felt three pairs of eyes trained on me.

"Hazel! You're finally up! I was beginning to think you were ill," Aunt Carol said. I couldn't even respond. I was frozen. I stared wide eyed at Noah Centineo smirking back at me in my living room. He was there next to his grandma and my aunt, all smiling at me like nothing was wrong. Noah eyed my pink unicorn pajamas.

"Nice PJ's," he chuckled.

I was mortified.

"Wwwhat are you doing here?" I blurted.

His eyes fell to my fluffy bunny slippers and I blushed a deep red. I mean I know I'm not the ugliest girl in the world, but I've always been insecure about the way I look. I'm the girl who shies away from photos in a world full of instagram models. I'm the girl who wears jeans in hallways full of miniskirts.

"Hazel, don't be rude. Susan was just telling me that Noah has never really seen the town before." Aunt Carol said.

"He would love to have someone show him around. I would do it, but the arthritis in my back is really acting up." Susan says as she eyes me expectantly.

I gulped.

"What do you think? Are you up for a dat- erm day with me? The bunny slippers can come too if you want." He smirked.

"Um; I guess so? I do come down here every summer." I replied nervously.

Sounds gre-

"I'm definitely going to go change though." I interject and run up the stairs to the comfort of my room.

I slammed my door shut and leaned against the frame. My mind was whirling. I was going to show THE Noah Centineo a day on the town. Me. Plain, boring me. I couldn't believe it. I looked down at my fuzzy slippers and frantically flipped them off. I rummaged through my closet, throwing clothes all over the floor as I searched for something that would be good enough to see Noah in. After 15 minutes, I finally put together a half decent look and managed to run a brush through my hair.

I look in the mirror before I go downstairs. I'm wearing skinny jeans that fit over my thin long legs and a cotton blue sweater that shows my narrow waist and matches my eyes. Just a few gold bracelets and earrings plus a choker and the outfit is complete. My sleek shiny hair is just a boring brown, but I guess it will have to do. I looked at my closet for shoes and sighed. No fancy heels in sight, I grabbed my old sneakers and put them on. I'm nothing like those designer girls he's used to but I guess this will do. 

My Outfit <3

I took one last deep breath to steel my nerves and stepped back to the living room where Noah was waiting

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I took one last deep breath to steel my nerves and stepped back to the living room where Noah was waiting.

He was in the middle of conversing with Aunt Carol, but stopped mid-sentence when I appeared in the foyer. His eyes widened and I watched his Adam's apple bob a few times in this throat.

"Erm ready to go?" he said shakily.

Was he second guessing his decision to be stuck with me all day? I didn't have a chance to respond as he reached out to grab my hand and lead me to the front door. I felt a zap of electricity as our palms connected.

Here goes nothing I thought as he led me out the door.

Summer Love (An Emotional Small Town Romance) ~NOAH CENTINEO~Where stories live. Discover now