I Forgot You Existed

Start from the beginning

"I'll come over, I always want to meet fans...only if you're comfortable with that."

"Really? You'll seriously do that?"

"Totally! My team as been developing merchandise for me and we're launching it next week. I can give them some posters and I'll sign them. I'll hang around for an hour or so. I can play a couple songs."

"That-I couldn't thank you enough."

"It's nothing honestly. My life has been hectic lately so it'll be nice to just take a step back for a minute."

"Thank you so much...we're at the house." I see him get a piece of paper and start to write.

"This is my address." He hands me the piece of paper.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow...can you wait here for me? I probably won't be gone too long."

"Yeah, sure. Anything for you."

I hand him a couple hundred dollars and step out of the taxi. It's not like I can't afford a $200 tip...I used to not be able to afford a 16 dollar one.
I walk up to the door and stand there for a moment. I take a few minutes to just breathe as I feel like I'm walking into a minefield and I don't know if I'm going to live. I take on last breath and knock on the door. The steps to the door are quick and not subtle. The door swings open where I see my mother on the other side.

"You came..." Andrea speaks very sentimental and I can see tears slightly forming.

"I came." My tone is full of slight anger and I just want to get this over with.

"Come in, come in." She opens the door widely for me to go inside. I walk through the door and over to the living room where I was abandoned years ago.

"What are you doing? Why do you want me?"

"You should sit. I can't imagine it being easy to stand without causing pain."

I nod and sit down on the edge of the house, my guard is still up so I refuse to lay back and be completely comfortable. She sits next to my left which causes me to move a little to the right.

"What do you want?"

"How far along are you? I saw you're having a boy."

"Little over six months but you're avoiding the question. Are you here to lecture me?"


"I'm only 22 multimillionaire you know."

"Your dad and I have listened to your music. You're so talented, I always knew you had it in you."

"You were really good at expressing it." I say this very passive aggressively, I think that's going to be a theme from me.

"I brought you hear because I wanted to apologize."

"For what? For abandoning me? For leaving me to suffer in pain and end up in debt?"

"I shouldn't have kicked you out."

"No shit."

"But just step into my shoes for a minute. Imagine if your daughter got pregnant at 16. All the parents would be disappointed in you and yell at me for not raising you properly."

"You kicked me out because you were worried for your reputation."

"When you put it that way-"

"You really haven't changed a bit have you?"

"Taylor, I have. I called you, I want reconciliation."

"I want reconciliation with someone who gives a shit about me."

"I care about you sweetie. I was stupid."

"Do you know how much pain you caused because you were worried about how you were viewed? Don't you think it looks worse kicking out your own daughter?"

"I want to move on from that. I want you to be my daughter again. I want to meet my granddaughter. Please, let me make it up to you."

"Why do you suddenly want to be my mother again? What makes you so desperately want me again? Why are you so hell-bent on coming back into my life? What do you want? You want money from me? I'll give you whatever you want if you just stay away from me!"

"Because you're my daughter and I love you. I just want to be in your life and atone for my sins."

"I know you. You wouldn't try and make up with me because you want to. You're calculated and a manipulator!" I stand up and begin to walk to the door. My 'parents' follow me quickly as I open the door.

"Please. Don't go." Andrea pleads.

"I'm going. I'll leave you so you know how it feels."

"I'm dying!" She yells which causes me to stop in my tracks. I turn around and look her in the eyes.

"I have pancreatic cancer. I'm dying."

"What stage?"

"Stage III and it's terminal. I'm going to die."

"How long? How much longer do you have?"

"Months. 4, maybe 5. I'll never make it to 2014. I'll probably make it to 56 years but that's it."

"You're telling the truth?"

"Yes. It's why I want to reconnect...when you're dying it really opens your eyes. I don't want to die with my daughter hating me."

"Too bad. Have fun burning in hell, It's what you deserve." I snap and walk out the door. I slam the door as I leave and get back into the same taxi as before.

Author's Note:
Taylor really said nOPe. I started school today 😫

Do you think Taylor will reconcile with her mother or let her die?

Word count: 1558

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