Chapter 42 - Impressing Mr. Richardson

Start from the beginning


It was time.

Emmileigh had helped me curl my hair a little and helped me pick out a simple black, sleeveless dress to wear. I didn't do my make-up too heavy and I felt weird, but Nick insisted I looked great when he came over after changing at his place.

And now as we pulled up at some, really nice house outside of L.A. in the country, I was pretty much shaking in my flats that I had on.

"Why are you so nervous? It's Kevin," Nick said as he cut the car off.

"He scares me."

"Scares you?"

"You guys did this concert once, before 'Never Gone' ever came out and some of the songs had leaked," I said, looking at him. "Well, you guys were performing 'Poster Girl' and I was singing along and Kevin saw me, third row of people maybe, and Kevin gave me the weirdest look. Those eyebrows arched, wondering how the hell I knew the lyrics."

Nick cracked up laughing and I looked away. "He was probably just confused, yet happy that you seemed to like the song." I looked back at him and he smiled. "Come on."

I followed Nick's lead, getting out of the car and as we walked to the front door, the door swung open and a dark blonde boy came running out, jumping in Nick's arm.

"Nick! Dad said you were coming!"

"Hey Mase," Nick said, hugging him before the boy looked at me. "Mason, this is Karsyn. Karsyn, this is Kevin and Kristin's kid Mason." I shook his hand and could tell instantly he was Kevin's kid.

He had the eyebrows, just not as dark.

"Come on, Dad's cooking," Mason said, practically running back into the house.

"Come on," Nick said, taking my hand and walking me into the house. He shut the door behind us when all of a sudden the one and only Kevin Richardson walked out with a cooking apron on. "Kev!"

"Come here, Nicky," Kevin said, hugging Nick tightly before taking a quick look at me. "This must be Karsyn that I've heard so much about," he said as he and Nick backed away from the hug and he walked over to shake my hand. "Nice to finally meet you."

"You too," I smiled nervously. "Nick told you a lot, huh?"

"Oh, I had lunch with Brian yesterday," Kevin said as I felt a lump in my throat. "He told me how you won that big Powerball lottery a few months back."

"Yeah, that's how she ended up going to all the shows on the European tour," Nick chimed in. "Where's Kris?"

"She got called in for a last minute photoshoot, one she couldn't pass up," Kevin smiled. "So it's just us. Hope ya'll like steak."



"So... Karsyn's gone."

I looked up from the floor at Donnie, who was lounging on the couch. "Yea, I know."

"We could have some fun." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me chuckle.

"This is Karsyn's house. And I don't have a bed here yet." I stroked Carter, who was laying on my lap purring.

"Who say's we need a bed?"

I shook my head. "Nu uh. No way. Not happening."

"Why not?" Donnie sat up, picking the camera up off the table.

"Because! It won't feel right."

"We can go back to my place then?"

I laughed. "You just want sex, don't you."

"No, I want you."

The flash from the camera made me look up to see him snapping a picture of me. "You can have me later. For now I need to sort all this out." I waved at my laptop, which was sat on the floor in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

"Research. Karsyn wanted me to get some ideas. Plus I figured out some more stuff we'll need. She also needs to contact her lawyer with the business information. I need to get a laywer."

"You can use mine."

I looked up at Donnie. "I'll get one of my own. No offense, but I'm doing this with Karsyn. I know you're supportive, but this is our thing."

Donnie moved down on the floor. "Oh, I know. But if you need a laywer, mine is good. The offer is there." He moved beside me and grabbed my computer. "So, anything I can help you with?"

I looked at Donnie and smiled before nodding.



"So," Kevin said as we sat at his dining room table a little bit later, "Nick and Brian tell me you're a fan. Obviously since you went over to Europe. For how long?"

I finished chewing the steak in my mouth and took a sip of juice that I was drinking. No way in hell was I going to get drunk around Kevin Richardson.

"Since '97 or so, I think," I said as Kevin nodded. "I was still in high school."

"How old are you?"

"I turned 31 last month."

"And your accent, where are you from?"

"North Carolina."

"What did you do before you won the lottery?"

"I worked at Joe Gibbs Racing," I said as his eyes perked up. Uh oh, NASCAR fan?

"Coach Gibbs that used to coach for the Redskins," Kevin said. "That's right, he owns a NASCAR team, doesn't he? So you worked in NASCAR?"

"When we went to Charlotte after the tour was over, her cousin works at the track and I drove a car around the track at 165 miles per hour," Nick said as Kevin looked at him. "I had all the safety stuff on, don't worry."

"Just the thought of you driving that fast, well, it scares the shit out of me," Kevin laughed, causing me to crack up. "So your family is still in North Carolina?"

"Yeah, I moved out here. I bought the house next to Nick actually," I said as Kevin cracked up. "He wanted me out here so badly and we didn't want to rush into living together or anything."

"That's a good decision," Kevin said, taking a sip of his wine. "Nick always rushes into things."

"Kevin..." Nick said as I looked at Nick and back at Kevin. What the hell did that mean? Rushes into things?

"So, met Jane and Bob yet?" Kevin asked as I shook my head. I looked at Nick and saw him look away. He was obviously getting annoyed. "Guess things still aren't going that great, Nick?"

"No, Kev, they're not," he said as I took a bite of my salad, not wanting to say anything.

I guess Jane and Bob really were a sore subject for Nick if he didn't even want to talk about it with Kevin.


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