
Mulai dari awal

I get off of her bed.

"Where are you going"? Akali asks.

"You don't want breakfast".


Akali gets up stretching her back her shirt exposing her abs. I stare at her abs slightly drooling at them.

Akali sees me and smirks.

"If you want round 2 baby-cakes all you gotta do is ask~♡" Akali gave me a flirty wink.

"No Akali" I shield my eyes with my hands from her beauty.

I walk off trying to find their kitchen

"Where is the kitchen"? I mumbled.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Akali if you're trying to molester me it's not gonna happen".

"Wow just gonna assume that I'm Akali darling~"

I turned around to see Evelynn in a nightgown.

"I'm sorry Miss Evelynn" I bow.

"No need for such formalities darling~".

" You need something Evelynn" I asked.

"Oh no darling I just know about the commotion last night". Evelynn teased.

My face went completely red.


"Don't act dumb darling Akali fucked you silly last night".

"So you're telling me that Akali lied about the soundproof walls"

"Oh she didn't lie about that"

"Then how do you know"? I asked completely baffled

"Honey you must not realize what I am". Evelynn asked

"Your a demon right"

"What kind of demon am I" ?


"Succubus and the kitchen is downstairs to your left." Evelynn left to be Evelynn.

I was left stunned from this woman.

"Darling that hickey suits you". Evelynn teased.

"Hickey ?!" I immediately went back into Akali room.


"Akali what the fuck" !? Akali looked at me puzzled.

"What's wrong (Y/N)"

I take the collar of the shirt and pulled it down to show Akali the many love bites that she left behind.

"Oh those" Akali chuckled.

"This is not funny"

Akali walked over to me and kissed her mark on me.

"How will people know that you are mine baby-cakes". Akali nuzzles into my chest.

"You got something I can cover this up with"? I asked

"But I want people to see that you are mine".

I pull Akali out of my chest and looked around her room.

I see a walk in closet

I walked in hoping to find anything that will cover my neck but I couldn't find nothing

My eyes landed on a green ribbon and connect to the ribbon was something sort of karate gi .

I move the piece of clothing making a piece of paper to fall out

♤♧Lucky Gal♡◇Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang