" namjoon " he chuckled " have a you ever seen someone so beauty but couldn't see their up close "

he shook is head no

" you ever just want to see them bruised and abused "

" no " namjoon said

now yoongi was stepping too close for his liking

" um yoongi i don't understand " nows he's getting a little scared

" namjoon do me a favor close your eyes and stay perfectly still "

obeying  the command namjoon did as he told

Namjoon expected a lot of things while he was standing there with his eyes closed, but a punch straight to the jaw wasn't one of them.

the punch was so hard that namjoon fell and hit his head a on desk in yoongi's room in the corner of the room

" ow"  was that an appropriate response?

" Get up " Yoongi slightly groaned, was he enjoying this?

he tried his best to stand straight, really he did.

but he couldn't help but to slouch a bit, and again yoongi punched him again and again and again for hours.

By then namjoon was lying like a dead animal on the ground, what was the point of getting back up? How long has it been? Is the day almost over?

" namjoon you look so pretty like this. look how hard you got me " yoongi sighed, lightly touching his face, he didn't get a response though

he admired the bloody nose and lip he gave namjoon, with the black eye he thought that was so beautiful against his flushed skin

" namjoon " he song sang


" namjoon " he said more clear

still nothing

" tch get up " a swift kick to the stomach got namjoon up and running

" tell me how to feel what are you thinking right now namjoon "

'please kill me now' is what he would have said

" pain " he whimpered " everything hurts "

" good " yoongi purred " it's going to be like this everyday unless i see fit " he said as he lifted namjoon's body off the ground

he carried namjoon limp body towards his bed in the center of his room, and laid him softly on the comforter.

" you're so beautiful namjoon "

the pain and suffering of others is what gets yoongi by.

Whether it's an old lady falling on of the sidewalk and breaking her hip to someone grieving over the loss of a loved one, its a pure serotonin boost for him.

However, causing that pain is completely different, kinda like a euphoric feeling, like taking ecstasy and sitting through the high.

beating someone till they were black and blue is what got him feeling it, but finding someone to beat until they're unconscious wasn't easy and yoongi has standards.

so when yoongi spotted namjoon on one of his daily strolls crying on a bench with hand prints on his neck he was more than excited

" Perfect " and " mine " is all yoongi thought at that single moment, just seeing crying namjoon got him all riled up, he had to have him

After that Yoongi spent a few weeks "studying" namjoon. everyday he watched him. In fact he noticed some other people following him around from a distance or stalking.

there was one who looked always pissed and a pair that looked at him lovingly, one thing he didn't like was he was always happy talking to who it was on his phone

tear tracks suited him better

but now's not the time to engaged with him but soon he will

usually after he finishes 'studying' namjoon, and makes sures nothing bad happens, he makes his way to his apartments on the outskirts of town.

first things after he gets home, he greets his roommate

" hey hoseok how's that's girl "

two more backstories to go 🤪

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