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Tsukishima's POV

We all got up pretty early to go to siren's perch. Everyone seemed more on edge than normal. 

Kageyama was finished getting ready first so he went on deck to wait for us. After a couple minutes he started to yell.

"What are you getting on about?!" Tanaka yelled at him.


"WHAT?!" We all yelled in response.

We all raced onto the deck and ran to where Kageyama was standing.

Sure enough there was a large ship coming out of the morning fog.

The boat was larger than ours and white with magenta accents. Along the side the name of the ship was written.


I had heard of them before. They were one of the largest and most well known fishing boats in this area. 

"Oh, let me grab my radio." Daichi said as he ran below deck.

After a few minutes he came back up with a radio in his hand. He was fiddling with the knobs and started to speak into it.

"Hello. This is the captain of the ship 'Karasuno'. Is this the 'Shiratorizawa'? Over." He asked into the device.

Soon a reply came. The voice speaking was very deep and sounded like the male voice from google maps.

"Yes, the is the 'Shiratorizawa'. I think your ship is close to ours. Could we maybe rendezvous? Over."

(A/N Can you imagine Ushijima saying rendezvous? I think it would be hilarious.)

"Sure. We'll prepare for your arrival. Over and out."  Daichi turned the radio off and walked back over to us.

"So, the 'Shiratorizawa' is going to be docking next to us. Let's prepare the bowlines. Tanaka, could you get the buffers?"

We all nodded and set off to do our tasks.


Soon their boat approached ours. Once we had all the lines secured they invited us onto their boat. They had a table set up on deck with small cups of tea on it.

"Thank you." We all said as we sat down. The 'Shiratorizawa' crew members sat in different spots across the deck. 

"Hello. My name is Ushijima Wakatoshi. I am the captain. This is Satori Tendo, my second in command." A guy with red pointy hair waved.

He introduced everyone of his crew members. Some looked happier that we were there than others.

"Well, my name is Daichi Sawamura, this is Asahi Azumane, Kageyama Tobio, Tanaka Ryunosuke, and Tsukishima Kei." We all nodded our hello's.

"We were wondering if you could tell us where we are. Our GPS broke a couple days ago and I can't recognize anything on our map." Daichi asked.

"We are about 50 miles out from Pensacola, Florida." (IDK)

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you." Daichi bowed his head slightly.

At that moment a man burst out from below deck, panting slightly.

"Tendo! They're doing that tapping thing again!" He said.

"Again? I thought they learned from last time." Tendo sighed and got up.

"I'm sorry to pry, but what are they talking about?" Asahi asked.

"We recently caught some large fish that have a habit of tapping against the glass of their tank. The security cameras in the room don't have the best sound reception, so the taps come out as high pitched plinks." A man with a bowl cut explained.

"Can we see them?" Tanaka asked in a hopeful tone.

"I'm sorry, but we cannot allow that." Ushijima replied. Tanaka and Kageyama seemed to deflate.

"Well, since you treated us to tea and told us where we are, how about we make breakfast for your crew? It's the least we can do." Daichi offered.

"That would be good, thank you." Ushijima replied. We all started to walk back to our boat.

In our excitement we forgot all about siren's perch.


Yamaguchi's POV

I had lost track of time.

I mean the only way you really could tell was by when they fed us. But who knows how often that was.

It was pretty boring being cooped up all day. Ennoshita made it where I didn't go insane but there was a cramp in my tail and there was an itch on my back that I couldn't reach.

Noya kept doing his tapping thing. He would do it regularly and would see how long he could do it before the man watching us barged in and yelled for him to stop. Surely the amount of times he had been tranquilized was not good for him, but it kept him entertained.

He was back at his usual antics and we did the whole drill again.

After Noya was out cold the red haired one started to speak to the other man.

"We need to be extra careful over the next day or two. We can't have out guests finding them." The gray haired one nodded and they both left.

Guests? Could it be Tsukki and his friends? They might be in the same area, but who could tell. I hadn't seen daylight in who knows how long.

I looked over to see Noya's unconscious body.

It always scared me when this happened. His body looked lifeless and dead. I was always afraid he wouldn't wake up.

I sighed and sat up as straight (gay) as I could without hitting my head.

I looked over to Ennoshita's tank. He didn't notice me looking at him.

He looked dead.

The normal spark that he had in his eye had dulled. His hair was slightly messier than it had been when we first woke up and there were small scratches up his arms. He looked on the verge of a mental breakdown. (A/N So am I.)

He put on a brave face for me.

I could tell he was missing Tanaka. Heck, we were all missing the people we had met. Even thought they had only met Tsukki's friends once, I saw a spark between each of them. They all clicked so well together.

From where my tank was I couldn't see Hinata or Suga. It was like there was an ocean separating us even though it was only a yard or two.

I hoped they were fine.

I hope we're all fine.


*Vibing to Hamilton at 10 pm*

So last night I got up at 10:40 to make corn muffins. I ended up burning my hand pretty bad on the oven. There is quite the red mark on the back of my hand.

Sorry if I called the boat stuff the wrong thing, that's what we call them.

Here's the snake that was on our patio btw.

Here's the snake that was on our patio btw

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Have a nice day/night!

~Claire 💖

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