Garfield Logan - My Hero

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There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary


You checked the time on your phone once more, paranoid as ever. It felt like you had been waiting for hours now and your butt was numb from the cold metal bench at the bus stop. You had been chipping away at your pile of school work all day and still loads remained, so you were planning on pulling an all-nighter in the library until the janitor kicked you out. That's how you ended up in a dimly lit street a few minutes walk away from campus, with exactly one flickering orange streetlight at 11pm on a chilly Saturday night in November.

The buses had mostly stopped for the night, and there was barely anything zooming past compared to how busy it was during the day. You had walked through this area multiple times and had never found it sinister, but that was also when it was 10am and sunny with people bustling around every which way. Now, every naked tree branch looked like gnarled fingers reaching to grab you, every person bundled up against the chill was an axe murderer eyeing you as their next victim, on top of every building was Batman waiting to jump down and beat you up despite the fact you had never committed a crime in your life.

An irrational fear, you knew, but a fear nonetheless.

A person walked along the sidewalk on the other side of the street, hood up against the bitter wind with their hands shoved in their pockets. They stopped opposite the shelter, their head swinging a quick left and right supposedly to check for cars, but you noticed how their eyes snagged on you every time. The cloaked person's gaze lingered somewhere off to the side, fixating on something left of the shelter even as they crossed the road.

Despite some rational - likely delusional, in this circumstance - part of your brain telling you to not panic, you chanced a glance off to your right. Sure enough, another cloaked figure was strolling along the sidewalk, dressed similarly to the other in all black, at a pace too brisk to be natural.

Oh shit. You thought, gripping the keys in your pocket with trembling hands.

They were getting closer.

I should get up. Said your brain. I should get up now and run and never look back.

You were frozen, paralysed, like a deer caught in headlights. Your heart was pounding against your ribs and a bead of sweat trickled from your brow, sticky despite the chill.

At least with one guy you had a chance of escape, but with two? A set of keys could hardly do any good against two strapping figures.

"Hey babe! Sorry I'm late, that assignment took longer than expected." Someone shoved into the bus seat to your left, almost causing your heart to leap up your throat and out of your mouth.

You whipped your head to them in fear, ready to stab your key into their eye socket, but you halted as soon as you saw his face.

A lovely grin, open eyes, and cool green hair sat beside you. He looked to be about your age, and he had a shopping bag from the video game shop from around the corner at his feet.

Everything about the person yelled "safe", from their head down to the tip of their sneakered toes. Unlike the masked figures that had been stalking you, this guy stood out like a lighthouse to ships in a storm; a welcoming, almost protective aura surrounding him.

While you sat there fumbling with your thoughts he raised an eyebrow, a subtle gesture for you to carry on the conversation so it didn't look suspicious to your stalkers.

"Hey - um - babe..." You trialled, really not comfortable with performing under pressure. "You startled me."

"You look worried, is everything alright?" He asked pointedly, glancing over your shoulder as his eyes trained on something.

Titans Oneshots & Imagines!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora