First day

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-Bokugo It was was the first day at UA High-school all the pro hero's attended here and I'm the Omega of this school and I attended to become an alpha. But I have a secret that can't get out... I'm gay....

-kirishmia- Today's the first day of a new school I hope it goes better then last year and I hope I can make some friends. I walk into the building and look for my class I hope I don't get look frowned on because of my species...that's the reason I had gotten bullied I was an omega. I hope their are others like me so I won't be alone.

-Bakugo- It's our first day and everyone is so damn annoying why can't I just get my heroes license and leave. *I close my eyes and here a familiar and annoying voice...Deku.*

-Izuku- Good morning everyone!*I hope I can get along with everyone and this year will be a lot better from middle school.

-Bokugo- Oi damn nerd come here.

-Izuku-*What does kachan want?*

-Bokugo- How the hell did you get into a school like this you have no quirk.!

-Izuku- ...A-Actually i-I do have a quirk...

-Bokugo- WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE A QUIRK?! why the hell didn't you say anything.What do you think you're stronger then me or something... what you think you are better then me or something?!-

-Izuku- No t-that's not it *bokugo stoped mid sentence I wonder what made him stop?*

-Bokugo- *A tall red spiky haird boy came him I felt something in my stomach it was something I had never felt before he looked so good by himself and in his uniform he was tall and the best red eyes...

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