Africa (Fluff/ Comedy)

Start from the beginning

"Can you open that compartment? I think there's a hat that you can use. The jeep isn't covered because I'm a bit claustrophobic so wear that as protection."

He looked around and saw the safari helmet hat and put it on.

"Oh look it looks good on you."

"What's this?...Oh you live in California too?" You looked back at him and saw him pick up the package you had earlier.

"Now you're a detective huh?" He bit his lip and smiled.

"Oh right!" You laughed. " I didn't catch your name. What's your name again?" You asked and he was a bit taken a back.

"Michael?" He said hesistantly and you chuckled.

"Why do you seem so unsure?"

"I thought you-- Nothing. What's your name?"

"Y/N. You can call me Y/N. Also I don't live in California. My parents do...But are you from California?"

"Yes. I am." You noticed him look at the package and since you're curious too. You decided to just have it opened.

"Go on. Open it. I already read the letter. My parents have been persuading me to visit home and that I'm missing out on some good things. I'm really curious on what that package is. She said it'sone of the good things that I'm missing out on."

"How long have you been here?"

"5 years."

"Then you must miss them very much?"

"I do. I really do. I'm going home next year. I wanna surprise them."

"That's lovely."

"You know you are so polite. I love that." You smiled and he raised his right hand to feel the breeze.

"Now can you open it? I'm curious."

"Oh right!" He giggled and opened it.

You kept your eyes on the road again as you heard the package get torn up.

You heard him mutter something unadible.

"Is there any problem? Is it something inappropriate?"

"No. It's errr... Dangerous album."

"Oh. That's new. My mom is a Big Jackson fan and she's been sending me his music every year. So this is what she meant by missing out on good things!"

You laughed and opened the jeep's casette player.

"We can play music but it needs to be really low. We don't want animals getting scared. I mean we already beeped a horn earlier."

"So do you like his music?"

"Not gonna lie. It kept me sane... All through this years."

"Do you have a fave song?"

"I think its something about diana? For some reason I know the whole song but not the title."

"I think you mean, Dirty Diana?"

"Yeah! That's it! I think I have the bad album on there. Let's play that first."

You stopped the jeep and leaned down to look for it.

"Err... I'm sorry. Y/N. I need to pee. Can you stop by aq tree somewhere?" He covered his face and smiled.

"Ok sure. Just stay close. There's monkeys around these parts."

He got off and you began rummaging for the Bad cassette.

"Where is that anyway? There you are!"

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