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I opened my eyes, it was extremely blurry. I tried looking around the world coming back to me-
"AHHHH!" Peter screamed upon seeing Hank in his beast form.

It shook everyone awake, "is that gonna happen to all of us?!" Peter looked around his body.
Hank sighed looking at his newly colored hands "No , I just left my meds at home."
Everyone stood up, I brushed off my clothes.
"What happened? Where we are?"
"Hey. Hey!"
A man stood in the glass above us "Hello, Mystique."
"Major Stryker."
"Who the fu-" I was cut off.
"I wouldn't get too close to the wall if I were you. It may create some... discomfort."
We looked around at the walls and the brunette spoke. "I'm Moira MacTaggert. I'm a senior officer at the CIA."
"I know who you are, agent MacTaggert."
"You cannot keep me here in this..."
"Actually, I can. A psychic event just destroyed every nuke from here to Moscow. That event emanated from exactly where we found you. At the home of the world's most powerful psychic. So, you're going to tell me. Where is Charles Xavier?"
"It's not him you should be worried about. There's someone else. Someone more powerful."
This statement caught my attention I looked over at the brunette.
Raven chimed in "If you let us out of here, we can help you."

The man scoffed "Do you really expect me to believe that? You can put on any face that you want, but I know who you are. What you are."
The man walked away leaving us to our own devices.
"Hey, Moira. Mm. What did you mean when you said someone more powerful than Charles?" Hank asked.

A few minutes later I was standing with raven when peter walked over "You know him? Magneto."
"I used to. I'm not so sure anymore." raven answered.
"What was he like? Was he... like they say he was? Was he a... ... bad guy?"
"No. I mean, yeah. He was... Why do you care so much? Did you see his speech on TV or something?"
"Yeah, but... He's my father."
"What?!" Me and raven both said at the same time.
"He and my mom, they..."
"Yeah, I know. But... Are you sure?" Raven stares at him.
"Yeah. Yeah. yeah. He left my mom before I was born. I met him 10 years back, but I didn't know it was him. By the time I figured it out, it was too late, you know. Then, this week I saw him on TV again. And, I came to their house looking for him. But, by the time I got there... Late again. You know, for a guy who moves as fast as me, I always seem to be too late." I could see a slight pain in his eyes.
"Let's hope not this time." Raven chimed.
"Yeah. Seriously." Peter nodded.

Suddenly I could hear Charles voice "Hear me, inhabitants of this world."
"This is a message." He continued.
"A message to every man, woman, and mutant." He paused "You have lost your way." "But I have returned. The day of reckoning, it is here. All your buildings... All your buildings and temples... ... will fall. The dawn of a new era will emerge. For there is nothing you can do..."
"Those with the greatest power. Protect those without. That's my message to the world."
Hank looked around confused "how was Charles doing that without Cerebro."

We hear a soldier speak "Sir, what was that voice?"
"I know that voice. It's Xavier, isn't it? What's going on?" The man I believe to be striker spoke.
Raven shook her head "We don't know!"
"We don't know, bro!" Peter chimed in.

And all of a sudden we heard gunshots.
"Shots fired! Where's it coming from?"
"I have intruders in quad 6."
The man called striker spoke "Send a security team and take them out."
We all looked around confused.
An alarm rang throughout the building the glass Above us turned to chaos. We all stared up at them waiting.
Soon enough we say blood splatter on the glass we all panicked ducking out of view.

After a while someone stepped into view.
"Kurt?" Hank looked up.
Kurt waved, we could see him speaking but we couldn't hear him. We all began pointing it our ears, eventually we could hear him but it was very glitchy.
"Sta- away- fro- m- the- do-"
"The what?" Hank asked.
"The- doo-" Kurt answered making a square shape with his hand.
"THE DOOR." Hank realized everyone ran over to the wall.
"In 3- 2-" and the door was blown open.
In front of the newly wreaked door was Jean and Scott. We all walked over and out. We where all running down the hall and Kurt appeared in-front of Scott almost tripping him.
We ran into a huge garage like room, a giant plane in-front of us.
"Hank, do you think you can fly this thing?" Raven asked.
Hank nodded "yeah I think I could figure it out."
"Hey guys." Scott chimed and we all turned to him "flight suits."
"Well you got your war plane, let go to war." Raven nodded.
I walked over to the flight suits grabbing one, I heard peter behind me "I'd love to see you Change into that."
I shot him a glare and he shut the hell up.

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