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Before I knew it we where in the pentagon parking lot. Everyone began stepping out of the car. Charles looked to me, "you're staying in the car, this mission is far too dangerous."

"But-" I plead
"No ." Charles gave me the death stare
"Fine-" I huff opening the car doors again and sitting down. Then looking to Logan and Hank pleasing with them to let me go. Nothing from them.. Charles rolls down the window a bit, shutting the car door and walking off.
"Stay." He orders me

I leaned back in my seat, when the speedster ran upto my window.
"C'mon, aren't you coming?"
"Didn't you hear what Charles said? Of are you deaf? I have to stay here."
He scoffed "you're gonna let that asshole tell you what to do?"
"Watch it kid."
"C'mon, ill take you with me. Rules where meant to be broken."
"Charles would kill me..." I smile thinking about Charles face when he sees me, in love with making that man angry. I look back to the boy "fine."
He smiles and I get out of the car. He then places a hand on my head and hip, and before I could question this the world became a blur as we sped off.
The world came back we where in an elevator, a man was there. He noticed peter and I and peter unwrapped a roll of duck tape, taping him to the wall. In a blur peter was in the mans uniform. My stomach felt as though it had been turned upside down.
"You alright?" Peter looked to me.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." I shook it off looking to him.
The elevator was close to the bottom floor, I looked around for somewhere to hid. An idea popped into my head. Shifting into a small house cat I looked up at him He gave me a look of pure amazement.
"Take the hat off."
"Take the hat off."
He does as he is told and I hopped up onto his shoulder and gently climbed onto his head. I chose a very small and light house cat. So I didn't put much weight on his head.
"How put the hat on."
"Uh- okay-"
He placed the hat on top of me and the elevator dinged. He stepped out holding the lunch tray, I could hear him walking down the hall the motion bouncing me a bit. We eventually reached the room he placed the tray into this little slit in the floor. Him bending over caused me to fall out of the hat. I looked up at him a bit annoyed then looking down at the glass I fell onto. There laid Erik who was supposedly woken by the tray, inside the tray a bit read.
Erik looked up giving us a confused look as I stood up walking off the glass. Peter smirked at him, kneeling down placing both of his hands on the glass. His hands began vibrating against the glass, rattling it. The rattling got louder and louder before the glass broke falling onto erik. He braces for impact as the glass hit him.
After it all fell, Erik climbed out looking to the door.

"In 10 seconds there's going to be 30 guards here to shook us."
Erik speed around placing me on his back and Erik next to him. He held Eriks neck and waist.
Erik looked over at him "What are you doing?"
"Holding your neck so you don't get whiplash."
"What?" Erik asked.
"Whiiiiiiplaaaaaash." He said slowly as if talking to a child.
"Uhm what about me?" I asked personally not wanting whiplash...
"Right!" He brought my to the front of him pushing me close my neck falling against his chest.
The door opened and yes 30 guards stood there, the world became a blur once more and I was back in the elevator. The same sickening feeling as before. I stepped back away from peter trying to shake the sick feeling from myself.

Erik had stepped away  leaning against the wall he looked sick to his stomach, he then looked over to me.
"Y/n!" He smiled pulling me into a hug.
I smiled hugging him back, No matter how much charles hates Erik he's always been like an uncle to me.

Flash back

I was walking down the long halls of the mansion, when i see Charles talking to a tall man, Brown hair, and piercing green eyes. I hid behind a pillar, staring at then. Before long Charles walked away to go get something and the man turned to me. I hid behind the pillar, he smiled "come here little one, I don't bite." I peeked around the corner staring at him. He crouched down to get to my level, holding his hand out. I got over the shyness quickly, their was a sense of warmth in his eyes. I walked up-to him, grabbing his hand giving him a smile.

And we're back to present day!

We hugged for a good while before peter chimed in, "You must of done something pretty serious to be in there." He paused "what you do? Why'd they have you in there?" He pestered.
"For killing the president." Eric answered.
Peter then mouthed 'ah' then turning to the security guard and whispering "shit-"
I giggled.

Peters POV

I looked back to them, her giggle. It's adorable, she's adorable.

Your POV

I looked to peter a gentle blush filled his cheeks, a smile plastered on his face. Adorable dimples in his cheek. The elevator dinged, the doors opened and there waiting Logan and Charles.

"Charles?" Eric have him a confused look, letting go of me.
Charles snarled then giving him a blow to the cheek, sending Erik to the ground. I gasp moving out of the way, and into peter. I feel his warmth on my back as I look up, he stared down at me. We stare for a second before I step away blushing and looking down at Erik.

Charles then looks to me, furious "I told you to stay in the car."
I went to speak but then I shut my mouth.
"Good to see you too old freind." Erik chimed in. "And walking."
"No thanks to you." Charles growled.
"You're the last person in the world I expected to see today."
"Believe me... I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to. If we get you out of here, we do it my way. No killing."
"No helmet. I couldn't disobey you even if I wanted." Eric said pointing to his head.
"I'm never getting inside of that head again. I need your word, Erik." Charles huffed. Erick nods. We stepped out of the elevator, when about 5 guards blocked our path yelling at us. Pointing their plastic guns at us.

"Nobody move! Hold it right there!" The officer yelled to us.
"Charles." Erik pleaded
"Don't move. Hands up, or we will shoot!" Another guard chimed in.
"Freeze them, Charles."
"I can't."
"Hands up!" Another armed guard yelled.
Erik paused and all the metal in the room flew into the air. Charles presses his hand on Eriks chest trying to stop him.

Peters POV
The world slowed to almost a complete stop, I popped my head phones in. Playing the song 'time in a bottle' as I ran around messing with the guards. Stealing a hat and walking back over to the men, and y/n I moved the bullets so they wouldn't hit anyone. I then took off the hat I stole placing it on y/n's head, placing a kiss on her cheek and letting time speed back up.

Your POV
Before I knew it the sound of the bullets hitting the elevator rang throughout my ears, I looked over and there was peter kissing my cheek.I stared at him flustered, my face turning bright red.  Charles shot a glare at peter and he pulled away. Charles huffed walking away. We all followed.

Time skip.
We had drove upto an airplane, we all stepped out me and peter stood by the car and Charles began boarding the plane. I tried to follow him, "No, you're staying here." He looked to peter

"Peter, thank you very, very much."
"You take care." Erik shakes Peters hand, then hugging me and boarding the plane.
"Hey, I saw your flight plan in the cockpit. Why are you going to Paris?"

As Hank and Charles boarded the plane, he threw peter the keys.
"Do me a favor and return it for me." He paused "and please take y/n home."
"Wait- but-" Charles shot me a look and I went quiet.
"Okay." Peter smiled to me
"And, Peter? Take it slow."
Peter chuckled .

We waited for the plane to take off, the car ride back home was very quiet and extremely awkward.

Once we where back at the mansion, I walked up the driveway and onto the doorstep peter followed me up. I turned to face him.
He smirked, god I hate that dumb cocky smirk.
"Thanks." I manage
"Anytime!" He nods putting his hands in his pockets.
I nod going to turn to go back inside but he stops me. "Hey, uh, wanna hang out sometime?"
I look back to him blushing a bit "yeah, sure." I smile confidence filling my chest I then grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulling him in. Placing a kiss on his cheek, before turning away and shutting the door behind me.

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