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Time had always been against them; it just wasn't in the way Rosalie expected it to be. Eliza's breathing was erratic as she tried desperately to calm herself down. The vampire acted instinctively as she approached her, her arms extending to hold the human delicately. It was a fragile moment and Rose was willing to wait for as long as she needed too.

Sensing the tears beginning to slow, the blonde girl pulled her girlfriend in easily. Eliza's arms holding on with all her strength, as if the breeze from the open window would blow her away. It steadied the girl and after a minute she was ready to talk to Rose.

"Henry's moving in two months."

There was nothing else to say. Two months was no time. There was no time to earn enough to stay in Forks. There was no time for Rosalie and Eliza to fall further in love. There was no time for Eliza's life to take an easy route.

Her life had never been easy, tragedy at every corner waiting for her, and although not at the same type of tragedy; this was tragic. How could she say goodbye to the life she was making?

"What are you going to do?" asked Rosalie. She knew it was a ridiculous question, one that would have been impossible for the human to answer right now, but she asked hoping that the girl would give a sign. Rose wanted a sign that she could help, even despite the short time they had known each other.

"I don't know. I don't know what to do." Eliza repeated, despair seeping through.

"Would you come with me? Tomorrow?"

Eliza blinked, her eyes full of tears and contemplated what Rosalie had asked. The vampire equally contemplating the question she had asked, knowing that she needed to have a plan. She hoped Carlisle would be able to help, his decisions usually fair and right. The others members of the family had also grown attached to the human, maybe that would be enough for now. 

"Of course."

It was a big decision to let someone in and accept the help offered. Eliza could never refuse Rose; she meant the world to her and life wasn't meant to be lived alone. Being alone was normal for Eliza, yet the coven she had grown close to showed her it didn't need to be. Feeling slightly calmer, the human moved to sit on the bed.

"How did you know something was wrong?" asked the human, wiping her face.

"Alice told me to check on you and you weren't answering your phone." She replied, joining her mate on the bed.

"So you drove all the way here?"

Rosalie looked bashful at the question, before replacing the expression with her usual confident demeanor.

"Yeah. besides it means I can drive us to school tomorrow"

The implication of the sentence made Eliza blush. She had never had anyone stay over for the night, especially not someone she was dating, but she couldn't feel any emotion expect excitement. Rose's affect on the girl was a permanent blessing. 

Excusing herself to get changed, she wasn't sure if Rosalie needed some pajamas. Rummaging through the drawers, she decided on leaving a soft flannel shirt and matching bottoms on the bed next to the girl. Just in case. 

The vampire started to open her mouth to protest, attempting to tell the human that she never needed to sleep, but the bundle of fabric looked so inviting. Rose would simply tell her when she came back from the bathroom, yet she still changed into the fabric since it was so soft.

Entering the room again, Eliza turned on the small lamp in the corner of the room and loaded her computer up. She thought sadly that if her room was cosier, then it would classify as a date.

"Do you want to watch anything in particular?" Eliza said, turning to check her expression, only to find her snuggled into the over-sized pajamas. It made her heart skip a beat at how gorgeous she looked. To be able to see Rosalie in this domestic setting was a gift.

Rosalie felt bizarrely vulnerable, sat on the bed in the unflattering shirt. It was far from her usual aesthetic and in any other circumstances she would feel the urge to get defensive. However, Eliza was watching her from across the room, with pure adoration in her eyes. The expression making the immortal feel more beautiful then she had ever felt.

Every man in her human life looked at her with an unreadable expression. Their urges hidden and their judgement always visible. She never felt as delicate or as wanted as she felt in that moment.

Settling on a random episode of The X-Files, Eliza moved towards the bed and proceeded to get under the covers. Rose wasn't sure what she should do until the girl next to her gestured under the covers.

They fit together perfectly, in an innocent embrace, hands intertwined. The quietness was pleasant and easy. All of the bad news from the earlier hours faded away, as the supernatural show played softly in the background.

When Eliza's eyes started to blink away sleep, the blonde couldn't help but wish for the ability to sleep. It would have been so natural to sleep next to her mate, and she longed for humanity once again. 

As the human's breath began to even, Rosalie realized she felt at peace, in a manner she hadn't felt in a number of years. Watching the girl next to her, Rose hoped that Carlisle would be able to find a solution to their problems and bring some stability to both of their lives. 

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