Chapter 5

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Getting Heated

Derin's P.O.V

   "You're so fucking lucky that I'm nice," I growled looking up at Locklin who currently has me pressed up against a wall.

   "Mhm? And why's that~" Locklin said with an annoying smirk.

  "Cause if I wasn't I would be on the ground beating the shit outta you," I hissed.

   Locklin hummed before lifting me up off the ground by my collar. I began to panic slightly while he placed a hand on my hip.

   "Aw, that's so cute~," he replied while digging his nails into my side slightly, "say that again."

   I nervously looked around to the other daemos who most couldn't give a damn that Locklin had me pinned up. Though, I manage to gain Pierce's attention by shooting him a look of "help". Immediately he got up, walked over to us and threw Locklin over his shoulder. I fell to the ground as soon as Locklin was picked up. I got up and looked up to Pierce.

   "Thank you," I said, gaining a shrug as a response.

   "Pierceyyyy! C'mon lemme have my fun!" Locklin screamed while trying to wiggle out Pierce's grasp.

   I chuckled and made my way over to the kitchen so I could make myself a cup of tea. My spirit Thea jumped up onto the counter next to me and began looking up at me.

   "Well hello Thea, how are you doing?" I asked.

   "Meow!" Thea replied.

   "Well that is good to hear," I said pretending I understood her while patting my shoulder for her to jump up on.

   Thea happily jumped up on my shoulder and I made my way with my tea cup in my hand towards the living room. I took a seat next to Rhys on the couch and began happily drinking my tea. Thea curled herself around the back of my neck and began to rest. I looked over to Locklin and saw him pouting next to Pierce with his spirit Prince sleeping in the same position as Locklin as Thea was with me.

   "How'd you meet your spirit Locklin?" I asked.

   "That's none of your concern," Locklin growled.

   "Geeze, ok then," I said with a sigh.

   I felt Thea move around as if she was waking up. Soon she got up off of my neck and jumped down in front of me and started staring directly at Locklin. Locklin stared hashly back at Thea. A low threatening growl came from Thea. Locklin didn't budge at the growl making Thea stand up and start hissing.

   "Thea," I said in a warning tone hoping my spirit would obey me.

   Thea looked back at me before backing down some. However, she didn't stop staring at Locklin. Suddenly, Johnny knocked over something off a countertop causing Locklin to look away briefly. Thea took this time to pounce on Locklin. In response Locklin suddenly shifted into a spirit form and began attacking Thea back. Prince who had been suddenly/forcefully awoken by this watched the two in disappointment as they rolled around on the ground. I jumped up and quickly snatched up Thea before backing away so I wouldn't get hurt. Locklin immediately jumped towards us. Fed up with everything, I stepped out of the way and summoned a fire ball to throw at him. It missed Locklin slightly causing a pile of books to go up in flames. I summoned another fireball, threatening to throw it at Locklin. Locklin changed back into his daemos form and threw a water ball at me. Thea jumped off me and ran off due to getting wet whilst I stood there with my fists clenched and my temper rising. When I get angry my body tends to physically heat up to the point where I can combust into flames. At this point I had gotten so heated that the water Locklin had thrown had completely dried up. Locklin threw another water ball at me which completely evaporated as soon as it touched me, making a small sizzling noise. At this point I completely had it and allowed myself to combust (not hugely though). My arms, hands, hair, feet and eyes were the most affected with roaring flames coming from them.

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