FlashBack Chapter

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~Author's Note~
I'm sorry for not updating for months. I've had a lot things happen and I've been faced with a huge writer's block. I have though started to write again so hopefully I'll release the 11th chapter soon. For now since I feel bad for not updating for a while I've decided to post something I wrote a while back about Derin's past. I know that this isn't the original story but I hope you still enjoy it. 

I will be There for You.

Newman's P.O.V

   I was walking around the castle hallways, unsure of what I needed to do. I used to serve as one of Queen Annette's guards up until her sudden passing where I was shortly replaced as one of the king's men. Now the king is now gone and Annette's mother has retaken the throne as Prince Derin is way too young to be placed one the throne. Lately I haven't been placed into any new sort of position so I haven't been assigned to any tasks in months. I walked by the young prince's room and overheard what I believe was crying. I stopped, turned to face the door and held my ear up against it. At this point I knew definitely that someone was in there crying. I knocked on the door before speaking.

   "Is anyone one in there?" I asked.

   The crying stopped and a small boy's voice spoke from the other side, "Y-yes..."

   "Are you alright?" I asked.

   "N-no..." the boy replied.

   "May I come in?"


   I opened the door and saw Prince Derin sitting on his bed with the small dragon plush his mother had made for him when he was an infant. The boy's eyes were red from crying and he was holding the plush close to his chest. I walked slowly to the prince and sat next to him on his bed.

   "What's wrong," I asked softly.

   Derin sniffed before rubbing his eyes a bit. He looked at me sadly before moving his head to face the ground.

   "I miss my mommy and daddy," He whined.

   I looked at Prince Derin. Poor boy has lost both of his parents leaving him only with his grandmother. I can't imagine being a 7 year old boy like Derin now has lost both of his beloved parents. I knew Derin's mother very well. My own mother passed shortly after my birth due to some complications with it, leaving my father to raise me on his own. It was difficult for him since he worked full time in the palace. I spent most of my child years growing up with Derin's mom and we were the bestest friends (main reason why when we were older I was selected by her to be one of her guardsmen). She was kind, sweet, bubbly and always wanted to do good for her people. We shared countless childhood memories with one another and in our adult years we'd still goof around some when no one else was around. I didn't know much about Derin's father. He seemed a bit stubborn and tough, therefore, I never really got to know him in the years I spent as his guard. Although, he did soften up a bit whenever his son was around and I can tell that he was a decent father. I looked at Prince Derin and saw that he was beginning to cry again. I picked the small boy up to place in my lap and began to hold him while rubbing his head and rocking him side to side. Derin tensed up a bit before relaxing while wrapping small arms around me and started crying hard into my chest.

   "I miss your mother a lot and your father some. Your mother was my best friend," I said rubbing circles on Derin's back.

   "R-really?" Derin asked looking up at me.

   "Mhm," I said, "We grew up together. We even had a little poem song thing that we made when we were your age. Do you know it?"

   "I-I don't k-know. Could you s-sing it for m-me?" Derin asked, lifting his head up to look at me with his adorable big green eyes.

   "Sure," I replied, "I'm not the bestest singer though."

   Derin sat up on my lap with his plush wrapped up in his arms, ready for what I was about to say. I smiled while I brushed some of his brown hair behind his pointed ears.

   "I will be there for you~. Whether the sky is grey or blue~. No matter rain or shine~. I'll be right by your side~. Under the great oak tree~. Or down within the streets~. No matter where you go or do~. I will be there for you~," I sang.

   I looked at Derin who had a small smile on his face. He then fell back down on my chest giving me a small hug.

  "I like it. Could you sing it again sometime for me?" He asked.

   "Of course, whenever you want my prince." I replied.

   I began to rub his head and rock him again causing him to slowly drift off to sleep. I smiled at the sleeping prince and turned my head to the doorway. I was greeted with Derin's grandmother standing there while a soft approving smile was sitting on her face.

   "Your highness, I didn't hear you come back. Is there something you need from me?" I asked quietly so I wouldn't wake the prince."

   "No, I came by to see how my grandson was. I'm glad he's being watched and taken care of by you, Newman. You're such a responsible and caring guard," She replied, "I'd love to see you watch out for him more."

   "Will do," I said before picking up the prince and tucking him into his bed.

~Years later~

   (Still) Newman's P.O.V

   I was walking down to the dungeon to check up on my prince. He had been down there all day, trying to figure out a new spell that would help out with a new illness that has been plaguing most of the young women in our kingdom (including my wife). As I got closer to the dungeon door at the end of the stairs, I heard a loud crash and frustrated yell come from behind it. I quickly ran down and carefully opened the door to see if my prince was okay. I looked around and saw quite a mess of spilled potions, ingredients and glass. Derin's dragon, Plushie (which was the same stuffed animal his mother had made for him but he had been turned real accidentally by magic) was curled up on his bed while watching Prince Derin work at his work bench. Prince Derin was bent over his desk and was clearly fuming with anger.

   "Are you alright?" I asked, approaching him.

   "I've been down here all fucking day and have made zero progress!" He yelled.

   "Maybe you should step back for a moment," I said while walking up behind him.

   "Like that's going to solve anything!" He replied before breaking down into tears, "I-I'm never g-going to get this r-right."

  "Yes you will," I said while picking up my prince and sitting down on the chair nearby with him on my lap.

   Derin let out a sigh before turning around and burying his face into my chest. Plushie got up and jumped up to Derin's lap. Derin hugged Plushie while I began to rock the two and rub Derin on the head. After a while, I began to absentmindedly sing.

   "I will be there for you~. Whether the sky is grey or blue~," I began to sing.

   "No matter rain or shine~. I'll be right by your side~," Prince Derin joined singing quietly but enough for me to hear him.

   "Under the great oak tree~. Or down within the streets~."

   "No matter where you go or do~."

   "I will be there for you~," We both sang, ending the small song.

   Derin looked up at me and smiled.

   "I don't know what I do without you Newman."

   "Your mother would say the same thing," I replied. 

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