Chapter 4

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Fun at the Beach

Derin's P.O.V

   I held my pillow in my face as I screamed over what just had happened. I layed there face down screaming until I heard footsteps outside of my room approaching my door. A firm knock pounded on the door and a soft calm male voice spoke from the otherside.

   "My Prince are you in there?" The voice asked.

   "Yes Sir Newman, I am indeed in my room," I said, lifting my head to be heard more clearly to my guard.

   "May I come in?" He asked.

   "Yes you may," I answered back.

   Newman opened the door and looked over to me laying on my bed shirtless and blushing. Newman is a tall sorcerer, standing at 6'3 ft and he has long orange brown hair pulled into a ponytail. He is mixed and has green eyes like myself (it's a common sorcerer/sorceress trait to have green eyes). He looked at me confused and slowly walked over to my bed and placed his hand on my hand.

   "Are you sick Derin?" He asked, "Or are you sexually frustrated? I did hear you yelling."

   "What! No, I'm not sick or that other thing. I've just been constantly harassed by this daemos at Ava's," I replied.

   "How so?"

   "Start off with him following me, then he started to attempt attacking me and just now he pounced on me after Ava stole her shirt back and felt up my chest and nibbled my neck."

   "Wait, did you say he was attacking you?"

   "uh...I don't remember that part."

   "Prince Derin," Newman said while looking at me with a stern expression, "Do you need me to watch over you during your visit with Ava for your own protection."

   "No, I'm perfectly fine. Besides, my sister already has many people at her place including myself and she would rather not have any more people at her place. " I replied.

   "It's my job to look out for your safety Prince Derin."

   "Why don't we fix up Thea and have her watch over me, if I need more help then I'll summon you."

   "Very well then, where is the spirit?"

   I looked around my room and called out for Thea. Thea crawled her way out from under my bed and jumped on top of it. I picked her up and handed her over to Newman and sent him to the village vet to see if they could fix up her leg and patch up some of her cuts. I then got up, threw on another crop top and decided to return back to Ava's apartment. As I walked into the living room Locklin approached me. I sighed and rolled my eyes before crossing my arms and giving a glare.

   "What now?" I said not really caring.

   "I'm sorry for harassing you," Locklin groaned.


   "No, but Ava said that I should after what I did."

   "Ok, well whatever. I wanna forget about it anyways," I said walking over to the kitchen island and sitting at one of the chairs there.

   I look around the room and at the daemos. I sigh from being bored and get up and walk over to a random person. Which happened to have been Noi.

   "So, do you just sit around all day doing nothing or what," I asked him.

   "Uh kinda, usually we just do whatever Ava has planned." Noi replied.

   "Hey Ava!" I yelled over at my sister.

Prince Derin (a My Inner Demons Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant