Chapter 126 and 127

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Chapter 126

Ye Qing intimately held Ye Zhen's hand and quietly said, "Mom and dad have scolded me lots of times too. I acted poorly in the past. Dad and mom regret their actions too. Dad and mom are getting old and their health isn't good. When you have time, you should come home often to visit them."

Actually, Ye Zhen truly didn't care about the past. After all, she wasn't the one that had received unfair treatment.

However, if she cheerfully accepted the Ye's so-called reconciliation, it would be unfair to the original owner. She didn't have the right to take the original owner's place in making this decision.

She pulled her hand out of Ye Qing's hand and reached for the juice on the table.

People came and went past their table. The sound of cheers and laughter never ended. Everything looked bright and dazzling underneath the lights. Everyone had dressed up magnificently. Holding glasses of red wine, the guests chatted in accordance with etiquette.

Father Ye had invited many business partners and famous business people to his 50th birthday. Of course, for someone like Father Ye, it was also a must to have his relatives and friends around on his important day.

As Mother Ye's cousin, Shen Jing had one of the closest connections to the Ye's. When she heard that her cousin's husband was going to host a birthday banquet, she was the first one to call to ask for an invitation.

Since the banquet had started, Shen Jing's gaze had lingered near Ye Zhen's vicinity. She waited until she saw Lu Beichuan walking away, then she prepared to pull her daughter over there with her.

"Mom, I don't want to go."

Shen Jing resentfully looked at her unpromising daughter. Gritting her teeth, she hissed out, "You stupid girl, if you don't go, how can you form a good relationship with your cousin? She's Mrs. Lu now. Any random man that she introduces to you will be better than men you know now!"

"What's wrong with the men I know? I think they're pretty good."

"What's good about them? They're all broke. None of them can afford to buy a house!" Looking at her daughter's unwilling appearance, Shen Jing knew that her daughter was set on being stubborn. Softening her tone, she persuaded, "Wanwan, when you're older, you'll see that it's better for a woman to marry well, then to do well on her own merits. Look at your cousin. She married Lu Beichuan. She'll be enjoying good fortune for the rest of her life!"

Cheng Wan was still young. Thus, she was repulsed by her mother's words. "Mom! How can you say that? That's so shameful!"

"What's wrong with me saying that? It's the truth! Look at your cousin. Look at how happy she is. How is that shameful? She's living in the lap of luxury!" Looking at Ye Zhen from afar, she sighed. "If my cousin had treated Ye Zhen a little bit better, the Ye's would be able to ride to riches on their daughter's coattails to success."

Cheng Wan quietly said, "I haven't seen you treating cousin Ye Zhen well either."

Shen Jing pinched her daughter's arm for saying those words. Why would she say such infuriating words?

In the end, Cheng Wan was pulled over to where Ye Zhen was sitting by her mother.

With a big smile, Shen Jing sat down across from Ye Zhen.

"Zhenzhen ah, do you remember me? I'm your mom's cousin. It's been so long since we last saw each other.

How could Ye Zhen forget?

Wasn't this the woman that hadn't minced words when she was demanding justice for Ye Qing at the wedding?

"Of course, I remember."

"It was so hectic at the wedding, and I didn't get a chance to have a good chat with you. I heard you're pregnant. Congratulations. How are you feeling? It's only been a month. The pregnancy symptoms shouldn't be that bad yet, right?"

Ye Zhen nodded. "It's been okay. The baby has been pretty good."

Chapter 127

"That's good. Pregnancy is the most grueling experience. Back when I was pregnant with Wanwan, I was worn down to nothing by the end. I was throwing up in my first month..." As she said this, Shen Jing placed her hand over her daughter's. Smiling, she segued, "This is my daughter, Wanwan. The two of you probably haven't seen each other in a while." Shen Jing secretly pinched the back of daughter's hand.

Cheng Wan felt ashamed with how her mother was blatantly fawning her cousin. Her cheeks were flushed, and she kept her gaze lowered. She quietly greeted, "Hi Ye Zhen, Hi Ye Qing."

Ye Qing glanced at her and lighted nodded. She wasn't interested in talking to her.

In Cheng Wan's memory, Ye Zhen had always been a reticent girl and wasn't good at interacting with others. During past Lunar New Years, everyone would overlook her at family gatherings. Compared to Ye Qing, who was self-confident and relaxed in front of her relatives, Ye Zhen had been cautious. Her presence at family gatherings had been nonexistent.

Ye Zhen glanced at the thin-skinned girl and praised, "Wanwan is getting prettier and prettier. Has she graduated yet?"

"She's a senior in college and doing her internship right now. She'll be graduating next year and getting her diploma then." After getting to this topic, Shen Jing sighed. "I'm so worried for her. She's applied to so many jobs, but she didn't get a response to any of them. Right now, she's making do by being an intern at your dad's company, but you know how your dad's company hasn't been doing well lately. There's been constant talks of layoffs. Under the circumstances, I would feel embarrassed if your dad gave Wanwan a job offer after her graduation..."

As Shen Jing was saying this, she kept looking at Ye Zhen. Ye Zhen wasn't an obtuse person, she naturally knew what her mom's cousin wanted.

She wanted her to find a backdoor for her daughter.

Hearing these words, Cheng Wan felt too humiliated.

"Mom! I can find my own job!"

Shen Jing glared at her. "Can you get a good job with the diploma that you're going to get? And you still have the nerve to be pig-headed? If you were even half as outstanding as your cousin Ye Zhen, I wouldn't have to worry about you."

"I still don't want a handout!" Cheng Wan looked at Ye Zhen. "Ye Zhen, don't listen to my mom. I can find a job for myself!"

"You infuriating child!" Shen Jing was furious. She was always thinking of how to help her daughter, but her daughter didn't even appreciate it!

Ye Zhen smiled. "Little Aunt, don't be like that. Wanwan seems quite outstanding too. She'll definitely be able to find a good job by herself. You don't need to worry."

"How can I not worry? Everyone says that working at a state-owned enterprise will guarantee stability and public companies offer good salaries and benefits. But, how could a state-owned enterprise want Wanwan? It's even less likely that a public company will want her. Wanwan has submitted so many resumes, but she hasn't gotten any office interviews or even a phone call. I feel so worried that she hasn't even been given a chance."

Shen Jing continued to say, "Zhenzhen ah, don't think poorly of Wanwan because of her college. Wanwan is very capable. She won so many awards during college that there's not enough space in her room to display them all. She's wonderful!"

Ye Zhen nodded, but she didn't say anything. She looked at Cheng Wan, who was sitting there with flushed cheeks and dying of embarrassment.

"Zhenzhen ah, can you talk to your husband about my daughter... The Lu Corporation is the biggest company in this coastal city. If my daughter can enter that company, I won't have to worry about her for the rest of my life!"

Cheng Wan mumbled, "I don't even need you to worry about me right now."

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