Toxin and Poison

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Name: Poison(left) and Toxin(right)
Age: 17
Date of Birth: October 31
Poison- very masculine dirty blonde straight hair, grayish green eyes, and pale little bit of freckles on his skin. His height is 5'3".
Toxin- very feminine looking, dirty blond spiky hair, grayish blue eyes, and pale soft looking skin. 5'3".

Poison - he is a rude and secretive person who is very protective of his twin brother, Toxin. He is really seductive at times including towards his brother. But he could also be nice at times if he likes the person that he is talking to or trusts really well.
Toxin - he is a total lead different person than his brother. He is shy and people will know what he's thinking whenever he is talking so he's pretty much open book. But he sometimes doesn't talk as much because he doesn't want to make a full of himself. He is very cautious about his body and doesn't allow anybody but his brother to touch him. But if he gets used to a person and it starts liking them very much he will allow them to hug him or if it gets even more serious kiss him.

Occupation: they both work at a bar as a waiter.

Race: English

Species: immortal

Sexuality: they both are bi but they lean more towards guys.

Relationship: ......

Friends: Nicky and old Marly

Status: starving themselves.

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