entering your genderbend's universe

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Let's just say when you were asleep I came into your room and dragged you into a portal into your genderbend's universe just for this chapter... Don't worry I'll return you safely back to your universe no worrys! Oh right I had you safely in your genderbend's room! But I did wake up him though... At least he didn't see me!


You were starting to wake up when you saw a familiar, "what are you doing here?!" I heard a voice, specifically your genderbend's voice?! What had happened you were confused as to why you were in your genderbend's room and not yours! "Did something happened?" You heard an unfamiliar male voice, when you looked up you saw a man who looked exactly like your mother! 'oh right now I am in a universe which I do not belong!' was what you remembered, let's just say all you did was play with your genderbend...


Your genderbend was oddly calm so you two just spend the day staring at each other... It was odd to see your mother as a man though. 😂


Your genderbend is a drawing so...
(Yikes idk how to write it bc of the last chapter, it's like a continuation... Srry if you wanted to see Sai's!)

You painted you genderbend on a normal piece of paper to pin as a poster on the wall, I mean you wouldn't want to forget him before he gets demolish!


Your genderbend is a sand clone srsly I need to think before I write!

You made sand castle or even buildings with your genderbend it was very entertaining

(Oh right I should have mentioned it earlier, you can choose which universe you are in for this 4 character; Sai, Gaara, Shikamaru and lastly Orochimaru!)


You two played shogi before taking a nap. You got to say it was nice to have a friend like yourself, literally... Oh right you family was a little concerned when you said this was a shadow clone/ doppler ganger that you created to be your friend.


You two are ice cream and also went on an adventure to find wild animals!

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