Sin the Homunculi

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-5 months later-At Harth-

Edward was walking around the halls in the castle. He's gotten used to Harth. Little did he know, he was forgetting the memories he had from Earth.
*Edward's POV*
I was looking around the halls to find something fun to do. *sigh* Im boREd I thought to myself. " looking for something fun to do? Pipsqueck." Said a man. I looked over at the guy. I began to tremble. It was Envy. He was leaning on a wall with his arms crossed. He was looking straight into my eyes. *laughing* WHATS WRONG PIPSQUECK?? WHY AREN'T YOU FIGHTING? DONT TELL ME WE BROKE YOU ALREADY?! "NO STOP!" I yelled as loud as I could. Envy looked at me confused. I was breathing heavily. *sigh* " I'm sorry " I bowed and walked away as fast as I could. My heart sunk as I felt Envy grab my wrist. I screamed. I was still scared of him. I'm still traumatized. " hey hey! Calm down!" He was saying while trying to calm me down. He began saying more things, but I was panicking too much that I wasn't paying attention. Then a flash of light appeared. There was a loud boom aswell. Everything was quiet. I looks around and I saw Envy on the ground. He was all smushed up. I gasped. The guards ran towards us. " what happened here your majesty??" A guard asked. I shook my head. I was so confused. Then I remembered what happened 3 months ago.
-Three months ago-
*Ed's POV*
I was talking to the doctor named Elizabeth. " really!?" She looked surprised. I told her all the things my brother and I went through trying to get our bodies back. I chuckled. " yeah, we ended up getting them back which was good ofc." I said as I leaned on the wall. I was sitting down on my freaking hard bed. She looked over at me. She was standing by the door. " hey Ed - I mean your majesty!! I'm sorry!" She bowed multiple times. I chuckles. " call be Edward" She was red as a tomato. " um um anyways! Um did you really lose your ability to use alchemy?" I sighed. " yeah, I did" I looked down. I can tell that she felt sorry for me. The door randomly opened wide. We both looked at it. It was Pride. She looked over at me and bowed. I stood up and bowed back. " your majesty, it's time" She said, which made me confused. " time for what exactly??" She walked out the room. I quickly followed. I kept asking questions, but she wouldn't answer. What the hell is going on here? She went to a door and opened it. She bowed, " in there sir" " oh um alright thank you Pride" I looked in the room. She walked away. I gulped. I walked in. *SLAM* I jumped abit. I looked over at the door which was slammed closed. " hello King" A nice, calming, beautiful voice said. I looked over at the person. It was Lust. " hey Lust what the hell is going on?!" I became angry. She came up to me and looked down at me. I looked up at her. " it's time for you to get your " alchemy" back." She went behind me and grabbed me by my shoulders. What does she mean by that? I destroyed the gate way. So how will she be able to do that? She began to lead me to a bed you use at hospitals. I was very confused. Then I felt a hard push. I fell on the bed. I began to panic. Gluttony came out of no where. I was about to sit up, but Lust pushed me down. She tied both of my wrists to the railing. I tried to kick her. " Lust! What are you doing?!" I panicked. Gluttony tied up both of my legs to the other railing. " Gluttony, the philosopher stone " Lust said, as Gluttony gave her a syringe with a glowing, red substance in it. " well your not getting your alchemy back. Your getting more powerful magic." She walked to me. I was trying to escaped. I was panicking, screaming for help. She moved my hair out of my face. She cupped one of my cheeks and forced me to look at her. I was angry. She smiled slightly. " calm down Edward, you'll be fine. I'm here ok? You need your power ok? I'll be here until you recover." Her voice was so calming and smooth. I began to calm down. She chuckles. " alright, I'm read-" I screamed. She injected the syringe in my chest. I was screaming in pain. It felt like my body was being decomposed and reconstructed. I felt like my insides were burning. She began to calm me down. It wasn't working. It hurt to much. *screaming* " TAKE IT OUT! ITS TOO PAI-AHHHH PAINFUL!"I yelled at her.
*Author's POV*
Edward's veins and eyes began flowing red. He kept on screaming. Lust and Gluttony backed away. They both couldn't see what was happening. It was to bright to see. Then the light slowly disappeared. They looked over at Edward and went to him. Lust checked if he was ok. He wasn't responding. Lust checked if he was breathing. Luckily he was. She realized Edward had red lines around his body like the other Homunculi. She pulled Edward's coat down from his right shoulder. She smirked. " we did it Gluttony." Lust chuckled. She was looking at Edward's right shoulder. " We made him into a.... Homunculus" She was looking at the Ouroboros symbol on Edward shoulder. She stopped. Edward's eyes began to open. Lust and Gluttony looked at him. Edward fully opened his eyes. His eyes where glowing, dark red eyes. He smirked abit. "Your new name will be, Sin" Lust said. Edward smirked.

*Should I write Sin when Edward talks or does something? Or should I keep it as Edward, but people will call him Sin?
A: Write Sin for everything
B: Write Sin only when people call him. *
* AgAin, sorry for any errors. I was writing this very late. I had to go to bed already because I had High school so sorry*

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