The bell rang out and I stormed out of the room. I didn't even give myself another second just in case I looked back at the curly haired annoyance. He was so much better looking than the blond annoyance. I scrunched up my nose at the thought of being friends with them. If it meant my popularity would rise then so be it. I would have to fake it until I make it. 

I was waiting at my locker and thinking about what I could do to make myself feel better. Maybe a manicure or a new hair do would do. I should book it as soon as possible. I sat through the rest of the lessons in today's educational day before I felt absolutely stressed out. Andrea's popularity has risen again since those two idiots decided to become friends with her. 

"Please class before you go, remember to hand in tomorrow's assignment and have a good day," remarked Mr Hunter. He was the least annoying teacher in the school. He didn't act like this school was so prestigious and acted more like he was a college lecturer. I almost felt relieved at the end of his lesson but I doubt that can last long when I'm sinking further into a hole because I live with two weirdo foreigners. 

I pulled my bag onto my shoulder, strode out of the classroom and made my way to the school's exit. It's nice to finally be outside in the fresh air. I stopped in the coffee shop on the way home and picked up my usual order. A frappe of some kind. I forgot the name of it but it's delicious. That's when the day got worse. I already felt a sense of dread when a skater boy almost crashed into me. But then it happened. I saw the worst thing on the whole entire Earth. 

The two boys from class were walking with Andrea. Not just anywhere but to the place where I resided for now. Please don't tell me they were living with us. "You've got to be kidding me," I snarled. I was pleased that they heard this. "Delilah, not now," begged Andrea and she tried to tug the boys forward. Not like they could escape me. I lived with them. Or so it seems to be that way as of this moment. 

I internally smirked to myself. Maybe I should mess with them this way. It seems to work. They seemed to get riled up and I get to say whatever I want about Andrea. I caught up to Andrea and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "I was just thinking about what you were going to do with these two boys. Something that your brother would be ashamed of," I remarked casually. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her face turn crimson. "Delilah, was it?" asked the brown haired boy. I just shrugged. "Well it is or it isn't, either way you shouldn't say stuff about her like that," he said to me. I yawned. Boring and predictable. 

Seems to me like he's got a hero complex and loves to stick up for the weak. He's going to be fun to toy with. It seemed like minutes before we walked up the path towards the house. Andrea shrugged my arm off and rushed to the door. Opening it, she gestured towards the boys for them to go in. I barged in front of them, sneered at Andrea and then waltzed into the house. Now to finally relax. 

"Welcome back, how has your day been," asked Anders. The boys responded excitedly and Andrea told Anders all about what good things she's been up to today. "It's nice to meet you properly, it's was a little hectic earlier, I'm sorry about that," remarked Andrea's brother. Søren and whatever his name was were being walked through the house and being told about their tenancy. I groaned. Great, I'm the only American in a house full of foreign people. Ugh. 

I trudged upstairs and into my room and put my bag down. I've yet to even start the assignment for Mr Hunter. Let alone the other 5 that were sitting in a pile on my desk. My macbook air was sitting there unused. I hate that I'll be using it. The poor baby was only meant for me to send emails on. I had mistakenly left the other laptop at home. Then again Mother did mention that I couldn't bring the other one just in case I would cheat because of the coursework I had on that one. I huffed. Stupid Mother making me use this one all because she thought that this school would have anything like I studied at the one in New York. 

She was wrong, this was all different. There were even lessons on how to be a gentleman/ lady. I hated those ones. Stupid old dances that were clearly for pensioners and learning how to speak 'properly' like the Queen of England was stupid. No one cares how you speak or how you act. If you're rich enough like I am, you can get any job you want. Everyone had their price and I knew that my parents could pay it off no matter what I wanted to do. 

I was finally free of that wretched uniform when I opened my door. Across from me, was that brown haired boy's room. I read the name placard on the door. Adrian. So that's what his name was. It sounded arrogant. I flounced down the stairs and sat myself right next to Andrea. I knew that Søren was already looking at me so, I made myself as comfy as possible. "Andrea..." I started in this sugary sweet voice. I saw her shuffle away slightly and turn to look at me. "Yes?" she asked. She was back to that bubbly girl that I hated. 

It was sickening how happy she was. Who the hell was happy all the time anyway? Apparently she was. "I need help with my homework, can you help me?" I asked being as polite as I could be. I knew that the blond boy knew I was faking this niceness. "Of course," she responded and arranged that we should do it after dinner. 

I resigned myself to my room for the time being before dinner arrives and I was relaxing on my bed. That's when all the pieces fell into place. I could have the best of both worlds. I could gain all the popularity I wanted all the while putting down the stupid foreigners I live with by faking friendship with Andrea. I could climb to the top and be named Queen bee by the end of the school. 

Grinning, I mentally decided that I would put this plan into place after our first school dance. For now, I'll just take note on how close the trio would get and I'll string along the minions I already have. My thoughts somehow drifted towards Adrian. My heart started beating faster. "Delilah?" called a silvery voice. It pulled me out of my thoughts and back down to reality. It must just be a bunch of adrenaline from my plan. 

"Come in," I called back and made myself appear calm. And so it begins... 

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