“You don’t have to be so formal, Ara.” He said while smiling.

“Actually, it’s Belle.”

“Okay, Ara. Let’s go to the nearest coffee shop. I want to have coffee while discussing our business. Let’s go.” He keeps on calling me Ara. It looks like he’s doing it on purpose. What is he up to?

“You lead the way. I’m not familiar with this place.” I said as I tried to hide my annoyance. But it didn’t escape his eyes. I think he noticed and he just smirked. What a jerk. Is this how he treats his ex? Did I just say that? Anyway, I just followed him out of the building and walked a little behind him. He went inside the coffee shop located just alongside the AGC Tower. He held the door for me as I walked inside. He’s still the same. He’s still a gentleman. If only I’ve completely forgotten what damage he has caused my life, I would have praised him. Before, I ask myself if I wanted revenge. But then, I realized that it’s not worth it. I just wanted to forget about him. But I don’t think that could happen because how can I forget a person who’s going to be my client? Oh destiny, what are you planning to do with my life?

Once we’re settled on a table at a corner, he asked me, “What do you want? Ice tea or orange juice?”

“Black coffee please. No sugar. Thanks.” I said.

“Are you sure? You don’t drink coffee, Ara. You never liked coffee because it’s bitter.”

“I like drinking coffee and please don’t call me Ara. It’s Belle. I’m more used to that now.” I said as calmly as I can.

He didn’t respond and just ordered. When our orders came, the barista placed our coffee and two plates with a slice of red velvet cake.

“I’m sorry but I didn’t order anything except for coffee. Are you going to eat all that?” I asked him.

“I ordered it for you. I know it’s your favourite. You can’t fight your temptations when it comes to cakes.”

“I don’t like eating sweets anymore okay?”

“But I even saw you eating one with Carlos.” Did I just hear him right? He saw me with Carlos yesterday? Did he follow us? Or am I just imagining things?

“Are you saying something?” I asked to make sure.

“No. I was just…”

“Mico!” He didn’t finish his explanation when some voice called his name. It was an older woman’s voice. I didn’t see who it was because my back is facing her.

“Tita Cynthia!” He said as he stood and walked pass me to greet her. I didn’t bother to look at them. I don’t really care about his business. I just looked into the sample sketches I made last night when I saw the floor plan Tito Johnny sent me. I was busy looking at the sketches when I heard their conversation, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Their voices are just loud enough for me to hear.

“Oh, Mico. It’s nice to see you again. Long time no see. How’s your vacation? Did you find her?”

“I did find her.” He smiled. Who’s her?

“Wait. Is she the one?” I was flipping through the magazines I have brought with me when I saw a middle age woman in front of me. “Are you his mystery girl?” She asked me.

“I’m sorry?” I said. What is she talking about?

“Are you the one he’s finally going to marry? How did he find you?” Now, I’m totally confused. Marry? What the hell is that woman talking about?

“Tita, it’s not her, okay?” He gave the woman a warning look. His annoying side was now replaced with a serious side and his eyes look sad.

“It’s not her? But your description fits her.” The woman looked at me and back at him. He just gave the woman a please-stop-I’m-tired look. The woman just nodded and sat down in one of the chairs.

There was silence and none of us are talking. I don’t really care about it at all. I just browsed every sketches, samples and magazines that I have brought. Then my phone rang. I excused myself to answer the phone. It was Carlos. As expected, he asked me if I’m okay and I said that I’m fine. I looked at our table and they looked serious while talking. It looked very private. What is their relationship anyway? She’s not someone I know from before.  Oh well, I don’t really care. I just saw him looked at my direction but I just looked away as I said goodbye to Carlos. When I got back, the woman turned to me. “Hi. I’m Cynthia Santiago. I’m his aunt. I’m his mother’s sister.”

“I’m Arabella Salvador. I’m his interior designer. It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’m sorry about earlier. I thought you were the woman he was desperate to find.”

“Desperate to find?” I asked with a questioning look. I wasn’t really interested in his business. But since the woman in front of me is very nice, I want to hear stories from her.

“You know, Arabella, this guy here is very much in love with a lovely young lady. He even opposed his grandfather and left his bride in front of the altar just to find that miss.” He did what? Is she talking about Mr. Mico Angeles? Now I said his name. Why would he do that? Oh well. He’s really capable of leaving everything and everyone behind just to get whatever he wants. I’ve been a victim once and that changed my life. It’s a good thing I was not the one left at the altar. I might have suffered greater pain than the pain from my accident. Oh, Mico, you’ve done it again. You’ve done even worse.

I was really speechless about what his aunt is saying about him. I looked at him but his eyes are just permanently looking downward. And then, the woman spoke again.

“I’m sorry for mistaking you to be that young lady. I have to go. See you. Bye Mico. I hope everything will be okay between you and your mystery girl.”

When the woman left, there was silence once again. I decided to break that silence. “So, here are some of my sketches. Can you please look at them and may be you could choose one. But if you don’t like any of it, just tell me if you have something in mind. I just based it on the client profile and photos of the site they gave me.”

“Okay. I’ll look at them. But I can’t decide now. My mind is not functioning well. Can I ask you a favour, Arabella?” Whoa, that’s a first. He called me with my full name.

“What is it?”

“Can you join me for lunch? It’s almost lunch time and I don’t think this coffee and cake will satisfy my hunger. I might even eat you as well.” He said and I’m pretty sure he was back to his annoying side. Maybe talking about his love life made him weak to argue. I might use that tactic when he tries to annoy me once more.

“Okay. But it will be your treat. Deal?”


A Chance at Love (completed)Where stories live. Discover now