Chapter 1

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Chamomile ran as fast as she could, but he was catching up fast. She took a sharp turn around a tree, hoping to throw him off, but instead, the sound of running footsteps behind her disappeared. "What?" She stopped and turned around. "Where'd he-" She was cut off by a large shape falling on top of her from the tree. She fell to the forest floor with an oof. As the weight on top of her disappeared, she got up and looked at her best friend, Rhubarb. "I got you!" He smiled. Chamomile rolled her eyes. "Okay, okay. Fine. You caught me." Rhubarb smiled even wider.

Chamomile looked up at the darkening sky. "But remember why we're really out here?" Rhubarb nodded. "Of course I do. Follow me!!" He turned around and darted back the way they had came, with Chamomile at his tail. Soon, they stopped at an old oak tree, with knobby roots extended over the side of the hill, creating a tiny cave. Rhubarb pulled a deer and a rabbit out of it, and the two of them headed back home.

As they walked through the entrance to Chamomile's den, Chamomile's mother, Mouse, snorted from across the cave. "Took you long enough!" She exclaimed, walking over to their prey. She picked up the deer, stuck a stick through it, and put it over the fire. Mouse was a cook, so a lot of the time she would send Rhubarb and Chamomile to catch something so she could turn it into something even more delicious. As Mouse cooked the deer, Chamomile walked over to her bed, curled up, and fell asleep.


"Chamomile! Chamomile! Chamomile, wake. Up!!" Rhubarb's voice told her over and over. Chamomile groaned and sat up. "What? Can I sleep peacefully?" She shook her fur out and stretched her wings, smacking Rhubarb in the face with one. "Oops, sorry," She said sarcastically. But when Rhubarb's eyes didn't show any humor at her joke, she got a bit worried. "Okay, what is it?" She said seriously.

"The Princess," Rhubarb said.

"Princess Rose?"

"Yes, that one."

"What about her?"

"She disappeared!" Chamomile's eyes widened. It wasn't like she knew Princess Rose personally - in fact, she hasn't even met her at all - But this was still distressing news. She bolted out of the den, Rhubarb right behind her, heading towards the palace. Once they arrived in front of it, Chamomile was reminded about how beautiful it was. It was a gigantic tree covered in ivy tendrils, making a gorgeous laced pattern. The canopy of leaves on top was the perfect green, and it wove together in a nice way that let sunshine and fresh air in, but most rain and snow out.

Some say it was crafted by an animus, and it was almost believable, except that the leaves still died when it was cold, and the branches broke in harsh weather. Chamomile and Rhubarb weren't the only ones in front of the beautiful palace. Bunches of WolfWings were gathered in front of it, and Chamomile had to stretch her neck up as high as she could to see what was at the palace doors: Queen Ivy and King Deer. Queen Ivy stood strong, saying what was probably a speech, while King Deer watched and looked like he was going to have an emotional breakdown.

Chamomile spread her wings on front of her, creating a sort of shield, and shoved her way to the front. After a few moments Rhubarb squeezed in next to her. She listened to what her Queen was saying. "...Are all distressed at Princess Rose's disappearance, I've decided I must act immediately. Anyone who would like to volunteer to search for Princess Rose may talk to Grass-" She gestured to a tawny WolfWing with spots of brown- "To sign up."

Chamomile looked at Rhubarb. The Queen walked into her palace, with the King trailing slowly behind her. Barely a moment after the palace doors closed, the crowd of WolfWings surged towards Grass. But Chamomile was pretty fast, and she was one of the first to get the little wooden token that gave her permission to do anything to find Princess Rose. She walked back out of the way with Rhubarb, who had also been one of the first. She looked at him.

"Let's find ourselves a Princess."

Chamomile The WolfWing, A WoF Fantribe FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora