Will everything remain calm?

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Y/n: let's go
M: erm nope we have to wait for EVERYONE now because they're all coming and Charli replied and she said that "yep she will come and bring Austin (whoever that is) and Dix is coming as well"
Y/n: (you laugh a bit) Austin is Nick Austin from hype house.... Charli's boyfriend
M: nope still don't know him, oh well
Y/n: (you turn back behind you to face the house) FUCK IT YOU GUYS ARE TOO SLOW DRIVE THERE YOURSELF
You head out to the car with Maddie and get in. Just before you are about to pull away Josh comes running towards the car, topless and with a towel.

JR: hold up hold up I'm comingY/n: yeah but not in my car your fucking notYou hear Maddie laugh quietly beside you

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

JR: hold up hold up I'm coming
Y/n: yeah but not in my car your fucking not
You hear Maddie laugh quietly beside you.
M: meet you there fuckboy (Maddie screams out her window as you drive away)
Y/n: (You burst out laughing.) Yeah lol I think I'll stick to the "Why Don't We" family now thanks
M: but to be fair I do rate what your brother did when all that went down with Addison. Now that was good of him. (Maddy starts laughing uncontrollably and can barely get her next sentence out) Imagine if it came out that she was pregnant though now I would actually wet myself
Y/n: oh god that would make me an aunt and I don't need that in my life right now M: I heard that Charli was pregnant (Maddy said turning to look at you)

Y/n: yeah it was true but don't tell anyone. Chase was the father but with everything that happened and her age she decided not to keep it. Anyways she's happy with Nick now, as she should be
You guys pull up to the beach and see that the WDW boys are already there with their tops off and towels chucked over their shoulder. Damn, Daniel was looking like a full course meal.
JM: you two just gonna stand there staring at five topless guys in front of you or are we all going to head down to the beach?
You and Maddy turn to face each other. You instantly burst out laughing and go "stay here staring thanks"
Daniel comes up behind you and swoops you up into a fireman's lift and carries you down to the beach.
Y/n: Danielllll put me down (you say laughing – you see the rest of them following behind laughing at you)
You get to just before the edge of the water where Daniel puts you down. You look up at him and smile.
M: right fuck it I'm going for a swim
CB: Mads, the ocean hasn't heated up yet
M: and does it look like a give a fuck. Y/n, you coming?
Y/n: yeah you only live once – fuck it. Let me just take my necklace off I don't want to lose it
You feel Daniels smile behind you which gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside. You put the necklace inside your beach bag and look around to see that there were only a handful of people there.
Y/n: come on Mads, lets go
You both walk to where the water meets the sand and realise that the water was in fact freezing just as Corbyn had said even though the morning air was warm. Maddy turned to look at you.
M: Race you in? (you nod at her) ok. One... Two... Three go
You both sprint as fast as you can into the water and submerge your head. When you resurface you see all the boys standing with their feet in the water staring at you. They all have smirks on their faces as they look at you and Maddy.
Z: You are both fucking mental you know that right
M: and we couldn't give a shit less. You guys coming in or what?
They all come in... slowly... wimps you thought. They were finally all in and you guys were messing about in the water when you hear people shouting. You turn round and see all the sway boys including Bryce and Josh stood next to your bag. You start to walk out of the sea and Maddy comes with you.
Y/n: Bryce there is a whole beach go somewhere else I'm with my mates today

B: I get that little one but we came to join
M: yeah YOU can join but we don't accept lying cheating bastards into this group so FUCK RIGHT OFF JOSH
B: the rest of them are on their way and Jaden wants your help with Mads
M: Mads?
Y/n: Mads Lewis, don't worry not you. You can all stay I couldn't give a shit but you better keep him away from me – got it?
B: yeah he's staying away from me too
You turn back to hang out with Maddie and the WDW boys when you see Charli and Austin walking hand in hand down the beach towards you.
Y/n: (screaming in happiness) EEEEEKKKKKKKKKK Charliiiiiii
You run up to her and she jumps on you. You spin around hugging her before putting her down and giving Austin a small hug.
Y/n: You guys coming in?
C: yeah of course. I want to meet Daniel properly and I need some new Instagram pictures because I haven't really been active recently
Y/n: omg fuck, shit, how are you?
C: yeah I'm good now it doesn't hurt anymore thank god
Y/n: (you look over at Nick and then back a Charlie) have you two... you know... fucked yet?
Austin start's to go red and Charlie smiles.
C: yeah last night for the first time
NA: hey! I thought we weren't telling anyone (he says looking back at Charlie)
C: Yeah but Y/n is my bestest bestest friend in the whole world
Y/n: (you burst out laughing) I can confirm that and I would love to stay and chat Austin but Charlie and I have much needed gossiping to do and I want her to meet Maddie as well (you say taking her hand)
You walk back with Charli, still holding her hand back to the others.

***You post Instagram photos which were taken today at the beach***

You all head back to the Hype House. The sun had now set and you message on the whole group chat.
You: pool party tonight? Someone order alcohol?
Tony: yep I'm in
Bryce: yeah I'll get Addison
Bryce: Are WDW comin?
You: yeah I invited them
Bryce: there will definitely be some shit going down tonight :/

Why dont we and sway house Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat