A pretty average day

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You get dressed into what Josh wanted you to wear and put your hair into a messy bun.

You didn't put any makeup on because you were heading into town by yourself to get your eyelashes and nails done before your date with Josh

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You didn't put any makeup on because you were heading into town by yourself to get your eyelashes and nails done before your date with Josh. Josh had on his basic black shorts and a plain white t-shirt. He gave you a goofy piggyback down the stairs which scared the shit out of you because you thought he was going to drop you at any point. He carried you all the way through to the kitchen, where you found all the boys with food in front of them which was left over from last night. You were still on Josh's back when the boys looked up at the two of you and started smiling and saying 'omg I called it', 'yessss bro' and 'I bet you guys did it last night'.
B: wait did you fuck my sister after dating her for half a day?
Y/n: Bryce hun chill. It wasn't our first time together and before anyone says anything, no questions
JH: fine, fine. But just so you know, we all saw this coming JR: yeah we know you did
Josh puts you down and asks you if you want any food.
Y/n: erm I'm going to head into town this morning because I want to get my eyelashes and nails done ready for tonight so I think I'll get a Starbucks or something. Anyone want me to bring anything back?
B: yeah we have absolutely no food in the house so we need a massive grocery shop please. I'll transfer you money don't worry
Y/n: yeah yeah I'll get some food to cook. Does anyone else want anything?
Everyone said no so you just told them to text you if they did whilst you were out. You grab your purse and put some sneakers on and head to your car. You get to drive and put on some one direction as you jammed out on your way to town. You park close to the shops and put your purse over your shoulder before heading into town. Your phone started ringing and you look down to see Josh's name on your screen.
Y/n: yep what's up babe?
JR: I just transferred you money to get your nails and eyelashes done and a bit extra to get a nice outfit for our meal tonight
Y/n: awwwww hunni you didn't need to do that
JR: yeah but I like to spoil my princess, so go buy a nice dress or something ok? Y/n: thank you Josh
You hang up and head to your favourite beautician's to get ready for tonight. You decide on baby pink nails and subtle but noticeable eyelashes. You go from shop to shop to find an outfit and it wasn't long before you found one with a matching white purse. You already had heels to go with it at home so you decided to head back to the car to go and get a Starbucks and get the food. You go to the drive-through Starbucks and get a coffee as you still felt tired after last night. When you arrived at the grocery store you pull up and walk in with your coffee in your hand. You grab a shopping cart and get ready to brace a big shop. You go down the aisle's still lapping up your coffee and stacking your cart up. You realised you were really hungry and decided to get a fruit box and some chocolate. You check out and head home. You arrive home and ask Bryce to help you with the shopping. Addison was basically attached to him when you asked, so Jaden and Griffin ended up helping you instead. They carried all the food into the kitchen and then left to go back to the pool where all the others were. You put all the food neatly away and then take your new clothes back upstairs. Since it was only midday you still had hours before you were heading out with Josh so you head to the pool with all the boys and Addison. You put on a fit bikini to impress Josh and head out, your hair still in a messy bun. You see Josh stare at you when you walk down the steps into the back garden.

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