"My marriage with Saude was more peaceful than I had imagined. Disregarding the daily money demands and reminders of wanting to be the only wife, she was an obedient wife, calm and always collected. But there was something missing, that spark, and Saude knew that too. She started making efforts to fix it, trying her best to please me. It was okay for some years, we tolerated each other, not exactly a happy family, but close to that." He took a long drag of air, his eyes staring intently at the lit candles. Maryam watched the glow illuminated in his eyes, feeling as though if she looked harder, she could see everything play within the confines of his irises.

"Then came the day I met Salma, it was as though I was given birth to again. I went to Porthacourt to meet a customer who would buy a few sheeps from me. Right from the moment I set my eyes on her, I knew she was the woman I wanted to spend my life with. Maybe it was the way she carried this aura of kindness around her, or how she laughed so exquisitely and effortlessly, I knew I had to talk to her.

For a moment, I paused to glance at my self, then did the same at her. She was clad in exquisite clothes, adorned with few yet pricey jewelries, even a single look at her can enunciate she's a lady of high rank. And there I was, with plain clothes, plain cap and plain shoes, what were the odds she would talk to me?

Nevertheless, I went. Because, just as the saying goes the heart wants what the heart wants. When it came to Salma, I was blind. She is the only person I could see." Malam Kabiru paused to observe the keen eyes, shining brightly with anticipation.

"She was with her friends. I went there and asked for a moment. When Salma finally granted me the attention I had been yearning, I was quick to utter the first thing that came to my mind.

'Why would a lady like you talk to a guy like me?'

She was quite for a few moments, then she busted out laughing. The next thing, she said, 'I'm Salma, and you?'" He smiled fondly before continuing.

"I married Salma, albeit Saude's numerous cries and tantrums and up till now that was the best decision I've ever made. I tried my best to be just amongst my two wives, but Saude just wouldn't have it. I must divorce Salma, that was her single wish. Or command rather. 

It was hard taming a woman like Saude, hence I adviced Salma to ignore her tantrums. We ignored whatever fight with Saude thinking it was the best solution, but she only grew more aggressive. She didn't cook, yet would eat when Salma does and serves her, she left every single chore to Salma and she was always out." He paused his lips in contempt.

"Then suddenly, one day, Saude came back from one of her daily outings. It was already late and I was sitting with Salma having dinner. She started crying and spouting apologies, saying she'd realized her mistakes.

Of course Salma and I forgave her. We didn't think anything of it. The next day, Saude woke up early and cleaned the house. She cooked and served everyone. She was so nice to Salma. It made me so happy.

I should have known, a person never really changes his attitude. Saude was plotting something else entirely. While she cooked, she was poisoning Salma's food. She will add just a pinch of it daily in her dinner. Two days later, Salma felt sick.

It was the hardest time of my life. I felt lost, I was with Salma almost all the time. I was scarred of how her condition was only deteriorating. Whatever hospital we went to, the results were always thesame. Nothing was wrong with her.

But I guess Saude didn't like the fact that I was caring for my wife. So she casted a spell on me." Maryam could remember this, the day he came back, suddenly looking lifeless.

"I was there yet at the same time I wasn't there at all. It was like I was trapped in my own body, floating in it. I couldn't do anything that displeases Saude, I must seek her permission before doing anything." Malam Kabiru paused, his eyes, heavy with emotions turned to glance at his daughter.

"I heard you little one. Every time you talked to me, every time you begged me to speak to you, I could hear you. And I fought, really hard to speak, to tell you something, anything, but I couldn't. It was hard watching your tears, watching you break-down infront of me all those times yet I couldn't do anything about it."

He gathered Maryam in his arms, holding her tightly. "I'm here now, little one. I won't ever leave you again."

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