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"Life isn't sure,life is scary, it doesn't mean you stop living it!"
-Susan May Warren.

MAYA-- shipname given by @legitboss
MARLIK--shipname given by @mssGujbawu. Thank you dearies, Maryam's honoured !💖


'It's official!'. Dije proclaimed as she banged into the room carrying a plate of food. She gingerly kept the plate down whilst all the girls made themselves comfortable round it and started digging in .

Today is Maryam's nikkah, to say she was nervous is an understatement. She almost ran out of the house to inform everyone that she'd crossed-out of the wedding but luckily she was stopped before she pulled a tantrum.

'Your finally Mrs Abdulmalik!'. Meeno said with a mouth full of jellof rice and the rest of her friend's all gave her toothy grin. She rolled her eyes at them thou she could feel the excitement building up in her. Despite the nervousness she was still aroused she's finally leaving her father's house after two good years of torture. But then she's leaving all the memories of her with her mother and father, before things started becoming into a mess. All the good memories they'd shared were in the house.

Malik is indeed a rare gem. Maryam was in utter shock when a boy came into the house the next day after she told Malik her voluminous secret. The boy told her that there's someone who would like to see her urgently. Agitated, Maryam wore her hijab and went out. And guess who it was?. Malik.

'Maryam I'm so sorry, the way I walked away yesterday. It- it was totally not my intention to. I didn't know what to do. I-I was so confused and-and I don't know...'. Maryam knew he didn't owe her any appology. Any other person in his place could do the same thing. But what some would fail to do that he did is, he came back! A tear slipped out of her eyes as she wiped it away, this time she wasn't crying out of sorrow but out of blissfulness.

"And that bastard! He totally deserved what he got !" He seethed through greeted teeth cracking his knuckles. Maryam gasped audible, her hands flying to her mouth. It just clicked on her mind when ya Sule came back yesterday, well he was literary brought back by two men both supporting him by draping his hands around their shoulders. Different bruises adorning his body. One of his eyes was swollen. All they said was that he got into a fight before leaving.

'You did...'.

'Dont talk about it!'. Malik sliced her words coldly ,intensely looking down at her. She nodded looking down at the swiftly now beautiful ground.

'I can't wait for you to be all mine'. He spoke softly breaking the tension. She looked up and meet his eyes. The anger and coldness is now replaced with softness . Maryam was as a state of jubilation after hearing his words. Her insides dancing with excitement. She clearly didn't deserve him but he came back to her even after knowing her dark past so she isn't stupid enough to let him slip off of her .

The fight between the bride's husband to be and brother did cause a chaos but it eventually subsided when no one could dig in about the reason behind the fight.

She shook her head at the memories . She fold her hands oppositely rubbing them Feeling the softness and silkiness beneath her palms. When her mother inlaw came a week after her kayan lefe was brought, she came with a woman obviously in her mid fifties; Jummai. Maryam was equally suprised when she met her mother inlaw. Instead of an evil and malevolent old woman as she'd thought, she was met with a welcoming and warm woman.

Jummai came everyday for the whole week to groom her body. All sort of traditional scrubs were srubbed on her body . Different incense sticks were used on her . She bathed with different typed of fragranced liquids.

Binta, a lady in her mid twenties came and designed her hands and legs with henna. All thanks to them she looked beautiful!.

Now, she's clad in a black fitted gown with glitters allover it. The gown compliment her body bringing out all the curves in the right places. Everyone was in awe at the outfit. It surely wasn't bought in their village. This outfit could only be bought from the city.

She still couldn't believe she's now a married woman. Inna Salma would surely never allow her only daughter to get married at the age of 16. She'd always wanted Maryam to further her studies and pursue her dreams. She wanted her to be an independent woman. She now feels heartbroken that she'd broken the promise she made to her mother to further her studies. It had broke since the moment she left because Inna saude never allowed her to go to school. She sents her hawking or assign her alot of chores to do.

The rest of the day past by in a blur with the girls cracking jokes and laughing their asses out. She felt a little better afterwards. They later on went out of the room to the elders. Some were very nice and regarded her with warm smiles while some showered her with disdain ones. Mostly Inna Saude's relatives.

It dawned on her when they were back to the room that she hadn't seen anyone from her mother's side present. Heck ___through out her life she hadn't seen anyone from her mother's relation. Could there be anyone she could regard to as her grandfather or grandmother? Or aunt and uncle?. Or maybe they might treat her warmly compared to her step mother's side?

She didn't notice she was crying till she taste the salty of salt. She quickly wiped her tears before any one notice but she was unfortunate when Indo's eyes landed on her.. uh-oh.

'OMG! Look how you've ruin your make-up! It took me 5....'. Indo fired but stops midway when she took in the irony in it.

'5 minutes? Yeah exactly '. Maryam rolled her eyes sarcastically and stick her tongue at her.

'Whatever! It still took me more than a minute!'. She huffed, a little dramatic may I add and the rest of them fall into a fit of laughter. If you might ask, the so called make-up consists of only kohl and lipglose.

'Okay! Maryam why don't you go wash your face and your makeup shall be fixed. It's time for your conveyance!'. Meeno chirped when their laughter subside as the rest of the girls fall into the task of getting ready . Despite reecho bustling the room, Maryam couldn't hear anything aside her thudding heart.

Reluctantly, she stood up to wash her face. Indo retouched everything for her.

'Wear this'. Kandala handed her a white alkyabba royal throbe with golden embroidery around the hem. She wore the oversized attire which hid everything including her face.

They sauntered out of her room to meet the elders. After decades of them narrating the responsibilities of marriage and what not, she was told to go and bid farewell to her step mother. As much as she dreaded to, she nodded and made her way.

'Assalamu alaikum '. She salamed and when she didn't receive any answer she reluctantly went in.

In sat Inna Saude and her very well friend, Hajiya Zuwaira munching on the plate of jellof rice in front of them like their lives depend on it. Inna Saude hissed at her whilst Hajiya Zuwaira gave her the head to toe glare. 'What have I ever done to them?'. Maryam inwardly asked her self.

'Ni abunga daya zan gaya miki. Keh da gidannan har abada! Kada ki kara dawo shi! Agayas!'. (There's only one thing I want to tell you. Don't you come back to this house ever again! F*uck off).

With a bleeding heart ,Maryam exited the room. Sparing one last look at her room which was her mom's room that helds alot of memories sweet and bitter, they sprinter out of the house to her husband's house...

Yes, I know ,I love you too! 😏
Hope y'all enjoyed this filler chapter!. I don't have much to say so 'A big THANK YOU for everyone reading this book,I hope you're enjoying it ..'

The usual;

Till next time!


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