~Chapter 1~

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My phone rang and i figured it was cassidy so i picked it up. "hello".

"hi is this taylor".


"im sorry to say but cassidy foreman was pronounced dead at 10:26 in her home". ....

Taylor's P.O.V

I dropped the phone and started crying. Chase ran downstairs to me. He noticed the phone beside me and picked it up. At this point i was on the ground crying and sobbing my eyes out. Chase came beside me and rubbed my back. He mumbled something and i looked up at him and he sighed. "she..committed suicide". I took a breath in and started crying even more. My best friend. Gone just like that. Like a flash before my eyes. She was gonna come to my wedding. Hell we were about to graduate together. Now she's gone. "babe..are you gonna be ok". chase sighed. hugging me from the side. "i just need to be alone right now..". i said giving chase a sad look and nodded understanding. His best of friends were murdered so he knows what it's like to lose a best friend. Chase gave me a kiss on the fore. head and got up and went back upstairs.

It's been 5 hours. Only five hours since i lost my best friend. Chase has been leaving me alone all day. He brought me food and that was about it. I've been sulking all day on the couch. I haven't got up except once to use the restroom. I found out cassidy's funeral is gonna be next Saturday which is the day after graduation. She was supposed to be up there with me when we gave our speeches because in our school we were voted best of friends. So we were supposed to go up and say a speech. When I called back the hospital and asked them if they found a motive yet to why she did and they said they couldn't give off any information about it yet they needed more evidence. As I was thinking of the events earlier there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered it . There was a police man and woman..in fact the same ones that were there at the hospital the time that chase got stabbed. "Hi taylor is it ok if we come in and ask you some questions". The woman said. "Um sure". I mumbled. I sat down on the couch and the officers each sat down in a chair. "ok so we understand that your very close to cassidy am i right". the lady asked and i nodded. "ok do you know that she was still in touch with your brother josh right". my jaw almost dropped. "what how..he's in jail". i asked and my heart started beating quickly. "well we saw cassidys phone on the counter in the bathroom at the time of her death and we found a text message involving your brother...". a tear slipped down my cheek. "c-can i see". i asked and the man nodded slowly and giving me her phone. 

Josh: hey ;)

Cass: what do you want and how did you even get my number i changed it. 

josh: i need you to do me a favor.

cassidy: im done playing with your sick tricks josh.

josh: i need you to kill yourself.if you dont in the next 24 hours i will go after taylor and chase ans the babies. your timer starts now. You must not tell anyone about this or i will kill you and taylor and chase and the babies. 

cassidy: no why are you doing this..

josh: i'm tired of taylor having the perfect life..perfect best friend...perfect boyfriend..now children..not on my watch..you have 24 hours good luck. :)

My hands started shaking so i gave the phone back to the police. Tears started spilling out of my eyes. My best friend..risked her life for me. "we're trying to find out how your brother got in contact with her in the first place but we wanted to show you the reason she did it". the woman explained as just stared at the ground in shock. First my mom dies from my dad..my dad is prison and now my brother is to. "i- um thanks for the information..". i sigh trying to calm down. "we understand that it's a very hard time for you at this point so we'll leave you alone but you might as well also know that cassidy..did write you a note the time of her death. heres the key she left next her bed room window and you have until her funeral next week to check it out. there's a box under her bed and that key unlocks it". the man explained and i nodded then i remembered. I gave her that box to her our freshman year. 


"ooo i can't wait for our first day of freshman year it's gonna be soo much funn we need to go shopping so get your lazy ass up and let's go". i said and cassidy laughed as she huffed and puffed to get out of bed. Cassidy just got out of a really bad relationship so she was still really moody. Which i could understand because they were together for 3 years. "i don't wanna go but because i love you i guess i'll go". cassidy sighed as she threw on a hoodie and jeans. "alright lets go". i said excited and she rolled her eyes as we hopped in her car. She got her drivers license before me and i was jealous but i kinda didn't care because that meant she drove me all the time which was kinda fun and cool in a way. We arrived at the mall in under 10 minutes due to how fast she was driving but i didn't mind..i was used to it. As soon as we walked in the mall cassidy noticed an old boutique shop that had a bunch of old items in there that looked like they were from the 1930's. Cassidy walked in and i followed. "that box is so cutee i could put a bunch of memories and stuff from high school once we move up grades". she smiled then looked at the price. "never mind my parent's do not have that kind of money". she sighed and looked around some more. "hey wanna go in a different store real quick imma browse her some more". I suggested hoping she would take the offer and leave. "uh are you gonna buy something in here"? cassidy asked quite annoyed at me. "yeah just go ahead and text me where you are i'll let you know when im done". i smiled and she shrugged walking off . I went back to the front of the store and picked the box up and smiled. i walked to the cashier and and handed it to her with a little doll that i noticed to. Once i paid for it i walked out the store and quickly went to cassidy's car and opened her trunk. Cassidy had given me the keys earlier to hold onto since i had a purse and she didn't. I put the item in the trunk and walked back into the mall. I texted cassidy and she was only 2 stores down. We finished shopping and once we got back to her house all we had in our bags was school supplies because to be honest we found no cute outfits. When cassidy was getting her backpack ready i grabbed the box from her trunk and walked in with it behind my back. I sat down next to her and pulled it out from behind me. Her face was in shock and she looked like she was about to cry tears of joy. "oh my gosh..is this for me". she asked and i nodded giving her the box. She smiled and hugged me. "thank you so much..i'm gonna put all my photo's and memories from highschool and college in here so when i'm older we can both show our kids what life was like for us and that we're still bestfriend..i love you taylor your the best best friend anyone could ask for". she beamed again with happiness and gave me a tight hug. "i love you too cass"...

End of Flashback~~

I sat there and thought about it. I'm gonna go see what's in the box...


AHH first chapter was so intense i was sad just writing about it!! hope y'all like it lemme know if you want another chapter tomorrow/today since its 12;30 but anyways share vote and comment plzz <3

Second Chances Are New Beginnings (BOOK 3/3) *EDITING*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt