
I looked at the note and laughed thinking it must be some type of joke. I picked up my phone and I called him. It rang three times until I heard the dial tone then the computerized voice saying this number has been changed. I threw my phone and sobbed into my pillow.

Derek POV (a week later)

I sat alone in my studio in the house I bought my fiancé. I had the lights off no music just me my blunt and my thoughts. I can't stop thinking about Alyce about how she must have reacted to my letter. I feel so bad I love her I love her more than Brooke. I just miss how soft her skin is and the way she smelled. I'm definitely gonna miss her cooking and the way her pus- I saw a large light coming through

"Derek?" I heard Brooke say coming through the door of the studio

"Yes Brooke?"

"Sammy and Kevin is here"

"Ok let them in"

The door closed letting it get dark then light again KDL turned the light on.

"What's wrong bro we been texting you for days you must have told Alyce?" KDL said whispering the last part

"You don't have to whisper it's soundproofed you should know me a little better than that"

I said putting out my blunt in the ashtray Alyce made me.

"I know you loved Alyce but we know your parents would have never approved of you two"

" I know but if they would have just met her I know they would have fell in love with her like I am I mean was like I was"

"Think about it one day you'll see her again and she'll be happy and I know that's all you want for her I'm sure she wants you to be happy too so make the best with Blake I mean Brooke"

"You know her name that was your friend first"

"I'm just trying to make u smile"

Later that night

Brooke and I were laying in bed. My back was towards her and she had her ass on my back. She was thick but nothing like Alyce.

"So who is it Derek?" I turned and looked at her staring at her it looks could kill she would've been gone

"Who is who?" I asked nonchalantly

"Whatever girl it is that got you all sad and depressed? I feel like I have a right to know since we are getting married soon" she said calmly

"It really doesn't matter who it was because she's out of my life so you have nothing to worry about" I yelled kind of upset that she need to know anything about Alyce

"I still want to know though"she said quietly

I laid down and went to sleep. I dreamt about Alyce and how me and her got married and had a kid with kilo of course and the house was full of love. When I woke up I was facing Brooke and her breath was blowing in my face. Damn her breath smell like ass god I wish I didn't have to marry her guess I have to learn to love her.

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