"Oh you have no idea." said Harold.

The mobster just shrugs and gets lead back down the stairs and past the living room.

They reach the kitchen which was a good size and by the counter with a teapot was a young Asian girl with black hair.

"Hey Natalie, we have a guest." said Harold.

The girl looks over and upon seeing the mobster, she squeals and rushes over, shaking his hand rapidly.

"Hi, I'm Natalie, what's your name, how long were you here, are you a friend of Harold, no wait he never mentioned anyone coming over, oh, do you know Anton, do you work with him at the station?" asked Natalie all in one breathe.

Anthony chuckles and kneels down to look at her as his arm is still be shaken.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Natalie, I'm Anthony Giovanni, I've been here maybe twenty minutes, I don't know Harold and I do know Anton, no I don't work at the station but he's promised to show me around there Sunday." said Anthony.

Harold looks stunned while the little girl looked delighted, even finishing shaking his hand. Anthony had kept up with her and answered all her quick questions.

"That's good to know, oh, are you the one Anton has taken a liking to, his boyfriend?" asked Natalie.

"I guess, Anton and I have only been on one date, though we're having another one tonight." said Anthony.

The young girl nods when the kettle starts whistling.

"Tea is done, would you like a cup?" she asked.

"Sure, I could use a pick me up." said Anthony.

He sits at the table as Harold joins him and Natalie prepares the cups.


A sigh escapes Anton as he dries his hair, looking at his bloodied clothes on the ground. Hopefully Natalie could get them out of his white shirt.

He places the towel back on it's rack and starts brushing his hair into it's usual style before leaving the bathroom.

He was dressed and clean, now wanting to speak with his Anthony.

He opens his bedroom door to hear the radio still playing and a book on the bed, but no Anthony. The brunette feels uneasy and looks around, Anthony wouldn't just leave or steal, would he?

The radio host walks downstairs and hears laughter coming from the kitchen. He quickly reaches the kitchen to smile at the sight.

Harold and Natalie were at the table with Anthony and they seemed to be getting on well.

"Anton, you finally finished, did you put your dirty clothes in the hamper?" asked Natalie.

"Oh, no, the basket wasn't in there." said Anton with a tight smile.

"Shoot, I forgot to put it back in, okay you're off the hook this time, Harold and I were having fun with Anthony, he brought him downstairs." she said.

With that the little girl hops away from the table to bring a cup of tea to Anton before rushing off to the upstairs bathroom.

Anton sips the tea to sit at the table as Harold munches on a cookie.

"You know, you didn't mention that you're dating the head of the Italian Mafia's son." said Harold.

"Hm, the head?" asked Anton.

He looks at Anthony who in turns gives a small shrug with a nervous smile.

"Did I forget to mention my father is the big bad mob boss?" he asked.

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