Chapter 11

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2 weeks later

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2 weeks later...

Am outside smoking a blunt.This bitch for the trip keep dming me bullshit.
Talking bout she pregnant.Whole time I'm not tripping.A whole different state away.She don't got my addy so it's a quick block.

I gave resorted back to beating Bambi it's like she makes me so mad.I need to control my self.I don't wanna hurt the baby nor Bambi.

I was on the back porch chilling on my phone.But,then I heard the door open look up to see Bambi.She looked disappointed.I got up and came to her.Caressing her face.I went in for a kiss.But then she pulled away take my hand from her face.

I frown my eyebrows.She look me in the eyes a tear left her face.I look to the side of me and seen a noisy ass neibor looking at us.

I grabbed her hand and lead her to the bathroom.And put her on the counter.

Kobe:Why are you crying Babygirl

Bambi:Is it true kobe

Kobe:What are you talking bout

Bambi:Did you have sex with a girl on your trip


Bambi:But she sent a picture of you laying in her bed saying she's pregnant and it's your baby

Kobe:Look I don't sleep with her she was just when I was sleep

Bambi was about to leave but I stopped her.....

Kobe:Do you not trust me

I said getting in her head and rubbing my hand on her stomach...

Bambi:No what I do....I do trust you

That's when I tried to kiss her....

But then she stopped me.Triggering Kbreeezo.That when I start slowly clenched my fist.Causing her to tense up trying to move away.

Kobe:So you don't trust me

Bambi:Please don't do this please

Kobe:Fuck it you right I would trust me if I were you

I grabbed her wrist and being tightening my grip.Tears were falling from her face.

Bambi:Baby you gone hurt the baby

Kobe:Your a dumb ass bitch with a devil baby I hope your on a straight fall to hell

Bambi tried to run but I grabbed her and throw her on the ground am not gone lie Kobe tried to fight me.But kobe is weak bruh.Breeezo on top.
*Kobe's thoughts*

Kobe:Breeezo stop she's carrying my baby

Breeezo:Why you care she a dumb bitch who don't trust you

Kobe:But I love her

Breeezo smiled then punched Kobe cuz him to knock out.....
I punched her over and over again till I seen blood....

I got off her....

She had blood coming from her cheeks.She cried on the floor roll and groaning in pain.

Kobe:I only doing this because I love you

With that I kissed her and went on my way.....



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Mine [Kbreeezo Story]😔😔😔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt