Chapter 8

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I'm sitting in the backsit of the cop

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I'm sitting in the backsit of the cop.I look down at my tattoo.I got it for Bambi when she was 15 she had got in car accident and almost died.

I got it for Bambi when she was 15 she had got in car accident and almost died

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I sold a girl last summer she wasn't a hoe.One time she end up get gang rape.
Like it wasn't my fault.She got scared.
And said we made her do it.

But it all good all witnesses are dead so yea.Baby girl might be crushed she know am my lifestyle.But she don't know about the sex trafficking.Iove her and my baby I know exactly what I did.She is really pregnant.

She don't need this stress.Or this pain.And that other bitch from the trip is on my mind.I still don't know if pulled out.

It's to much to think about.To much to handle.To much to bare.
Flash Back

5 year old kobe is in the back seat of his moms car sleep.Then wakes up to his mom skirt lifted.And a random man's pants down.And his mom bouncing up and down on man quitely moaning.


Kobe said sleepy...

Mom looks up and slightly smile s as she stops.

Mom:Hey Baby boy did you sleep good

Kobe:Yes mommy

Mom:Ok Baby

She says climbing back into the drive seat.The man sighs and buckles his belt back.Next he hand her 120 dollars.Then he left.


Mom:Yes baby

Kobe:Who's that

Mom:Mommy's friend take this food and I got Disney+ so you can watch what you want

Kobe:Ok mommy I love you

Mom:Mommy love you too

With that kobe's mom drove behind a building.And climbed in backseat and layed with Kobe.Like so but she fell asleep.


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3 Days Later

I layed in the bathtub tears coming down my body.I miss kobe and I dont know what to do.My friend Onika sat on the floor next to me.Keeping company just to make sure I don't kill myself.

Onika:Girl you give Harely Quin right now

Bambi:Girl how you know you never even watch the movie

Onika:Your one to talk I mean you are in love with a drug dealer/Pimp

I sighed looking down...

Bambi:I don't love him the way he loves me

Onika:Then why are you with him

Bambi:Because I can't just walk out it's like it's Kobe's world and I am has slave

Onika:Well either way you need to stand your ground...fight back

Bambi:Fight him,debate with him,disobey him...I wish I could But but

Onika:But what

Onika say frowning her eyebrows...

Bambi:He just get so anger

Onika:Bambi is he hitting you

I stayed quiet....

Onika:That's were bruise are from

Bambi:It was my fault just chill

Onika:Fuck that shit I'm call my big brothers they are going kill his ass

Bambi:No your going to leave soon

Onika:Ok but when Bambi does he have to damn near kill for you to leave

Bambi:Don't worry bout that with money I get from live porn I will make up enough money to prove for me and my protential baby

Onika:What...Does he know

Bambi:Am sure he does we purposely had him nut in me

Onika:Is he hitting while your pregnant

Bambi:No he was arrested shortly after doing it

Onika:Girl if he hurts my Nefo or niece I swear to god-

Bambi:Ok damn sis

I said chuckling....

Bambi:Past me the towel so I can get dressed



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