Battles in and out

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Gabe's POV
No one.


No one.


I love.

What does it mean? Fuck! Clementine. It seems familiar. It is! She's my g- no one! Fuck! "She's some - no one!" I yelled. I close my eyes and breathe in and out. That's what Dad told me to do when I get worked up. "I'm ready. Sorry Dad." I said getting my gun and pointing it at Cle- the bitch. I got off my Dad.

I steadied my gun. "Deal with Javier first." Dad said. Why would he want me to shoot Javi? Wait. What am I talking about? Of course he'd want me to shoot the shitty uncle. I pointed my gun at J- the shitty uncle. I closed one of my eyes. Make sure it's on his head. I cock the gun.

I shoot. But my arm smacks the one with my gun and it hits the sh- Javi's ear. "What the fuck Gabe!" Javi and David yelled. "Shoot him!" Dad yelled. "Don't you fucking dare Gabe." Javi said putting his hands up. "GABE STOP!" I heard someone yell. I saw Mari running towards me and she grabs my gun.

How is she here? David said she was dead.

"Mari? Dad said you were dead!" I yelled. "What?" Mari asked. "What the fuck David!" Mari yelled. "Why aren't you calling him Dad?!" I asked. "You call him David too." Mari said. "I don't call David Dad. What the fuck are you talking about Mari?" I ask. "What did you do to him?!" The- Clementine yelled. "Max, Badger." Dad said.

Uncle Max and Badger came towards me. "No! I want to hear this." I said. "You'll answer." Max said. "Why the fuck would you listen to you?!" I asked. "Because Your our soldier." Badger said. I lost all feeling to my body and slowly collapsed. "Wh- What the! What the... wha... t... fu...." I stuttered out

Clem's POV
"GABE!" I yelled out and I ran towards him. Before I got stopped with a bullet to my arm. "Ahhh... FUCK!" I yelled. I grabbed my gun and aimed at David. I got tackled by a Badger and shot in the air. "YOU AREN'T GETTING DAVID MOTHER FUAHHHHHHHH" Badger yelled out getting eaten by a walker. I used this time to get up and ran to Gabe.

David started running towards me. But Javi then tackled him. They fought. Talked about their Dad.  I grabbed Gabe and dragged him into Richmond while Tripp fought Max. I felt bandages on him. I looked at his arm and it was covered. Javi and David rolled into the gates. Kate shot the walkers while Javi got David off of him. Eventually he did. They both ran in but walkers were behind them. And walkers were now in Richmond.

Mari came to help me. I started dragging Gabe to one of the nearby houses. But David tackled me. "Your not getting away you bitch!" David yelled. He punched me square in the face and I felt my consciousness slipping. The hard hit to the face, the blood loss. I held my arm in pain. As I slowly closed my eyes.

3 hours later...

I woke up with Mari watching me. We were in a house with other people. Javi, Kate, and Tripp were there. "Where's Gabe?" I asked. I heard snoring. I looked at Mari and gave her sleeping figure a "really?" Face. "Mari." I said kinda loud. "HUH?" She yelled. "Oh thank god. Eleanor said you weren't gonna be ok." Mari said. "Well, more emotionally." Mari added.

"Where's Gabe?!" I asked again. "Hey Baby." I got excited but realized it was a kid trying to hit on me. "Get off me." I said figuratively. "Yeah, you'd wanna be on me." He said, winking. I got up and grabbed his shirt raising my fist. "Don't y-" I was cut off by him putting his finger over my mouth. "It's hard for me to make out with you while you're talking." He said. He then proceeded WITH BOTH HANDS BY THE WAY. To grab my tits.

I punched him.

No hesitation.

No regrets.

I then kicked him where the sun don't shine if you catch my drift. "You fucking pervert." I said spitting on him. "Your up! Oh thank god!" Kate said hugging me. I hugged back. "Hey!" Javi yelled. I realized he wasn't talking to me. He was talking to the kid who was about to grab my ass. I proceeded to stab him where the moon glances over. He yelled. I smiled. It was fun. We then all did a group hug.

"But seriously, where's Gabe?" I asked. "David took him. We tried to fight him off but he didn't let up." Javi said. "Also you got a concussion." Javi added like he forgot. "Javi, advice with talking. If I have a concussion I want that to be the first thing you say." I say. Mari and Kate laugh. It was an inside joke. "What?" Tripp asked. "Inside joke." Mari said. "Wait, did they do anything to you Mari?" I asked. "Y-Yeah... things I don't like talking about." She said I grew confused. "It's what that guy wants to do with you but it wasn't agreed on both sides." Mari said

I was still confused. "She got raped." Javi said. "Shit. I'm sorry Mari!" I said hugging her. "Let's go get Gabe!" I yelled. "You still love him? After everything?" Mari asked. "I don't know. It's hard. I what to be held by him one last time." I said grimly. "To getting Gabe!" Kate yelled. "YEAH!" Tripp yelled. We were having fun. And I was happy.

Well, for the most part. We went outside and I stabbed a walker and Javi stabbed another. We dragged them inside to open for walker guts. The Garcia's were not too happy about it. I had got used to it. "Come on pussies." Tripp said. I got up and Javi got up hesitantly. So did Kate and Mari.

"That building." Mari said kinda loud I put a finger over my lip telling her to be more quiet. "Sorry." Mari said softly. "It's ok." I replied softly. We started making our way towards the building. I saw a walker Badger. I kept walking.

3rd POV on Gabe
David walked towards Gabe who was sitting in a chair. "Wake up soldier." Gabe jolted awake his pupils wide like he's been hypnotized. "Yes, sir." Gabe said with no emotion. "Your my soldier." David said. "Yes, sir." Gabe said again, with no emotion. "And your Uncle Max's soldier." David said. "Yes, sir." Gabe said once again, with no emotion. "You would never betray me." David said.

"Yes, sir."

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