Oh Sh*t!

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Marinette POV
It's been 3 weeks since New Years, school is back in session which means I have to deal with the class and to top it off I am sick. I've been throwing up, my appetite is off, I'm colder than usual though that might just be ladybug symptoms, and I've been sneezing. Luckily I already had a doctor's appointment today to get my shots, check my blood pressure, weight, height, eyesight, and oh yeah, pee in a cup. That's always fun.

(Her mom and dad had been busy and allowed her to go to the doctors alone) When I go in the nurse sits me down and I wait, when I am called they ask me to go to the bathroom and pee in a cup, which in my opinion is awkward. I do this and go back and get all the other stuff done and then the doctor comes. She comes just as I feel bile coming up my throat, I rush past her, into the bathroom and throw up.
"Are you okay Miss?" A nurse asks me,

"Yeah, I'm probably just sick," the doctor appears.

"Miss. Dupain-Cheng, how long have you been sick and what are the symptoms?" She asks me, I explained what was going on, they did a few more things that they usually didn't and had my pee examined or whatever they do because it sounds like some very bad virus or something that they can check with my pee, weird if I do say so myself.

Anyway, they make me stay longer so I call my dad, "Hey dad," I say when he answers the phone.

"Hey Mar what's going on?" He questions,

"Nothing, the doctor is just doing something and will take longer than expected, I'll walk home." I wait for an answer.

"Okay sweetie, I'll tell your mom, tell us what they say when you come home okay." -Dad

"Okay, dad loves you."

"Love you to Marinette." And he hung up.

Half an hour later the doctor comes back, her look is concerning, "Miss. Dupain-Cheng," she pauses to allow me to sit upright. (she was laying down)

"Dr. Pipenpadlopsicopolis," I reply (Avatar: The Last Air Bender, Season 1; Episode 5: The King of Omashu) "so do you know why am I sick?"

She looks at me when I say this "Yes, you have a small cold, most likely from the snow and..." she trails off, I grow worried.

"And..." I repeat to insinuate for her to continue,

"And you are pregnant." What! But-

"Oh Sh*t!" I smack my face with my palm and drag it down my face, I forgot about condoms.

"Do you know the father? Would you like me to contact your parents?" She asks me, probably pitying me. A pregnant 17-year-old. "Yes I know who the father is, and no please do not call my parents, what should I do?" I'm scared, I'm confused.

"Well, you should tell the father and both your parents, then discuss whether you will keep the baby, put them up for adoption, or have an abortion. I can answer some more questions but you are free to leave if you would like to" She calmly says I nod, grab my stuff a leave.

What will I do? what will my parents think? Will they kick me out? No, we've talked about this. But what will Adrien do? Will he leave me? Oh God, what will his dad do? Will he force an abortion? Will I never see Adrien again? Should just have an abortion and move on? Wouldn't Adrien hate me if he finds out that I had an abortion without telling him? He'll hate me, he won't ever want to talk to me. I start to spiral and feet take me to my safe place without thought.

Next thing I know I have tears down my face and am in front of the Agreste mansion. The motion detector spots me and the camera pops out and sees me and the gate opens, (Nathalie cares for her and when she saw who it was she just opened the door despite it being a school night, it's Sunday) I walk in and Adrien opens the door, shirtless and wet. He must have just got out of the shower, he runs up to me and hugs me rubbing circles on my back and wiping my tears,
"Mar, Marinette? Hey, sweetie look- look at me Marinette. What's wrong? I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." He continues to whispers in my ear, hugs me.

"No, your not. You're going to leave me, you'll hate me. He'll be so mad." I sob into his chest, one arm around his waist and the other unknown to him, over my womb where my- our unborn child is growing.

"Hey let's go to my room, okay come on." He gently moves, going to my side so I remove my hand from my stomach and bury my face into his side as he takes me into his house and starts to take me upstairs.

"Miss. Dupain-Cheng? What are you doing here so late? It's a school night." Me. Agreste asked me as he turned the corner, Adrien and I in the middle of the staircase.

"Let me deal with my dad Babe," Adrien whispered in my ear and kissed my forehead, he went up to his father and said somethings in a hushed tone to his father.

I couldn't even try to pay attention as my vision got blurry again from tears and I hugged my self waiting. After sometime Adrien went down to me and brought me to his room and held me while whispering sweet nothing. Eventually, in the father of my child's arms crying myself to sleep. (just do you know after she fell asleep he texted her parents saying she fell asleep at his place and was crying, transformed and quickly patrolled alone because you know Ladybug was sleeping)

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